Re: DB13 jobs getting failed after upgrade
HI All Thanks for the replies.The problem was resolved after restaring the server RegardsVC
View ArticleRe: Grpo Qty more than PO Qty
Hi Mukesh, Before creating SPTN, better try to create query to meet above condtions, you can easily write SPTN. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: Listing all the Universe available like Audit Universe
Hi Gaurav, You can use below in query builder across each environment (DEV,Test,PROD) to get individual lists and then consolidate. List of All universes SELECT si_id,si_name,si_webi,si_cuid FROM...
View ArticleChanging Exchange rate type for Overhead calculation
for calculation of overhead calculation , the exchange rate type used is P the planning is assigned in the controlling area version Zero. But for one of the company codes in the controlling...
View ArticleRe: Cost Center not picking
It looks like you have not maintained Settings at Plant Level.Check if you have assigned Cost center in Plant dependent QM settings in SAP. Best regardsHrusikesh
View ArticleRe: Creating Internal users in E-rec, Integrated Scenario .
Hello Andy,Ok, So i have to run this report initially (HRALXSYNC), then will schedule it on daily basis .And I can see any of then employee in Maintain Internal Users as Internal Candidate . Then , if...
View ArticleRe: To exclude MR21 price differences from Material Ledger Actual costing
Hi.Check this new doc, with different values, and with the relese of standard cost and MR21 included in the month.Exacly the same behavior, UMB of MR21 must be 0, and PRY is the difference between...
View ArticleRe: GRC AC 10 SP13 - Role and User Risk Violation Reports Returning No Results
Thank you for your help. Config parameter 1027 was not set to yes. We have no resolved our issue.
View ArticleRe: Crystal Report overlaps in Linux environment
Hi Siva, What type of Viewer you using in both machines? Does it is same viewer? if you don't know about viewer please go to crystal preference and check the view versions in info view. and also...
View ArticleRe: Connecting to Hana DataBase from Zend PHP Framework
Have you looked at from Alvaro Tejada Galindo ?
View ArticleRe: Cannot able to create the TO with reference to TR
Hi we are using unit of conversion and with same material another TO created successfully
View ArticleRe: Configure sybase control center to accept multiple device ID?
One more thing, When you create a workflow editor after deploying mbos to sup server, did you try last option? As you launch the app in device, it ll ask u sup username nd psswd, if u pass correct...
View ArticleRe: Fiscal Year var. for local must be different than F Y Variant from global...
Hi Knesis, I think you can define 'Year- dependent'(Select Year-dependent' check box in OB29 and define days for each posting period) fiscal year to achieve your requirement. Regards,Prasad
View ArticleRe: open doc url to open in NEW TAB
Hi Satish, What version of BusinessObjects are you using? Although deprecated, you can still use the sWindow=New attribute with openDoc to open target reports in a new tab/window. This only works with...
View ArticleNo applicable data after setting filter instead of 0
Dear All, I'm working on a report for cost center planning, having a structure in rows and columns. I don't surpresse any 0, wether in the Query Designer or in the Query itself. I then filter for a...
View ArticleRe: Missing Right ??
Can you login using Admin and check if the report has LOV? Is this report migrated from 3.1 or did you change the source of the report from UNV to UNX?
View ArticleRe: PI-PCS interface for SAP ECC 6.0?
Hi Vinay, First you need to identify the interfaces to use. Most probably, it should be handled by config. The example I gave you is triggered by functional configuration. Once you get the message into...
View ArticleRe: The pre-notification must be sent at the latest 14 calendar days before...
Hi Horst, This note was helpfull , But now my client is looking for something that once F110 is run The prenotification should be genrated 5 days before and also simultenoulsy they need a DME file to...
View ArticleRe: change log for the system table OPRJ
Hi, You can't activate this table: this is a SAP table which is created either during an update or a fresh install, but only as of the 8.82 and upward. Besides migrating, your only options are those...
View ArticleRe: SAP PI and EDI integration
Hi Dimitri, Thank you for your advice. I am comfortable with the Idocs etc. Can you please advise how should I get started with PI? Thank you in advanceSangeetha
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