Re: How to block warehouse for specific user??
Hi, Try This If(@object_type = '13' and (@transaction_type = 'A' or @transaction_type = 'U'))Begin IF (SELECT Count(*) FROM INV1 d INNER JOIN OINV m ON d.DocEntry = m.DocEntry...
View ArticleRe: Understand the functionality of WWI Code
Dear Rubenna i prepares a smal inquirey and found this: With this explanation:Explanation: The EH&S-System internally uses attribute...
View ArticleRe: facing issue in currency conversion
Hi, I am having the same issue as described by Amandeep. I have a role that has both my schema and the TCUR* tables listed in the Object Privileges tab, with select/insert/update delete authorisations....
View ArticleRe: Marking in Manual BRS
Hi Naren In cash journal no such option. Cash journal use to handle hard cash i.e cash receipt and cash payment. Exception. in cash journal is check receipt can be managed. But no check pmt. RegardsNakula
View ArticleRe: Integration with third party tool
BO Admin guide covers integration with third party tools.. Please find the Admin guide here... Section 8 - Covers...
View ArticleRe: SPS3 installer failed with 'SAPCAR: Permission denied'
Hi Vitaliy, how you can clearing work directory? I delete all files and folder on it and still can't continue the installation!
View ArticleRe: Receiver Idoc AAE Adapter issue
Hi Varun, Check the queues on the back end system.Also, check the message monitor on your back end system. Kind regards,Dimitri
View ArticleRe: Partial payment restriction
Jing: The best approach I can think of is to enhance your clearing rules using new characteristic which checks the collection status. The rule would only clear full amounts when the documents have that...
View ArticleRe: Variant Configuration in CRM
HI Bhargavi,Have you checked the wiki ?Check the XCM settings mentioned, even for standalone setup.
View ArticleDocument not visible
Hello friends, I have created a Document on 3rd August 2013. Today, when I logged on to SCN, it was appearing on my Activity page but not on my Content page (not even on draft document page). Moreover...
View ArticleRe: ECC 6 EHP 6 dispatcher stops suddenly, OS: Win 2008 server, DB: Oracle 11 g
Hi, Did you perform any kernel upgrade? What was your last activity that made the oracle to go down? Try to start the oracle manually and start the SAP system and check. Thanks and Regards,Vimal
View ArticleRe: What does periodic asset postings mean?
Satya In very simple words, ASKBN ensures that your GL and AA are in sync for all depreciation areas other than 01. Area 1 is realtime posting to GL, and therefore postings to GL are made in...
View ArticleRe: Receiver Idoc AAE Adapter issue
Hi, if the communication channel log shows successful message then idoc must have reached to the target system.. Check you are looking in the correct target systems for the idocs..Also cross check the...
View ArticleRe: Cascading with a stored procedure in Crystal Reports
Hi Farhan, You misunderstood the 1st step. You don't need two separate queries for the ID and First_Name. They should both be contained in one query like this: select ID, First_Name from Employment...
View ArticleRe: UC migration and data archiving
Hi Steve,it is possible to read archived data after a Unicode conversion with standard methods.Please have a look at SAP note 1322715 point 20.The data is converted during access.Z objects archived...
View ArticleRe: Equipment Number range (Internal) Exhasut
Dear, haa.. we have come to an end. To assign to the same category, DO I need to delete/de-assign from the existing group ? then I can re-assign to new ok. What impact will have on the old numbers ?...
View ArticleRe: Delivery date based on PO release date
Hi, There is no standard configuration to achieve this requirement. You can do with BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST I think You can control on in t-code ME29N, ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST with interface open. check...
View ArticleRe: Table reorganisation on oracle DB using shell script
HI RB I could automate the entire process using the above command.Thanks a lot for the reply. Regards VC
View ArticleRe: How to change the link of Name Server to domain name
Hi Rishi,Thanks for your reply, I've found the solution.1. In the sld, select Landscapes -> New Landscap2. Landscape Type: NWDI Systems Landscape Name: <Name> Choose Create.3. Select tab...
View ArticleRe: Need explanations of NW RFC SDK 7.20.
Atul,the same error again.. I've tried a log of combinations of PATH-parameter:paths, path&files, OS commands, empty.. It's don't pass. I'm confused such description in the note too.I didn't find...
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