Hi Farhan,
You misunderstood the 1st step. You don't need two separate queries for the ID and First_Name. They should both be contained in one query like this:
select ID, First_Name from Employment
Also by saying "Suppress all the sections in the Main Report except the Report Header", I meant:
- The Subreport (which is the oroginal report that connects to the Stored Proc) will be placed in the Report Header
- Since this Subreport is in the Report Header on the Main Report, you Cannot suppress this section
- Since the Main Report is just a Container report used to workaround the Dynamic Cascading prompt issue, we don't need the other sections of the Main Report - hence they can be suppressed
Once you get both the ID and First_name from the same query and link them with the Subreport prompts, the Subreport should return results.