Re: How to restrict users for changing goods issuing storage location in...
Hi Naresh, Wondering if the authorizations settings could actually restrict the user to just change the SLoc entry in the Order/Component overview! Even if they could, they may not fulfill the process...
View ArticleRe: TAXNO, post tax position for invoice not including tax, google Ireland...
Hi Kajsa, Effective from 1st July 2001 on, under certain circumstances value added tax must be paid on the purchase of services from other countries.The buyer has to calculate and pay taxes.The...
View ArticleRe: Crystal Server 2011 - Crystal Reports giving error
Hi, Dell seems to be more insightful than myself so I do agree with what she suggested - try the tnsping and check the "use same database logon..." while making sure your password and username are...
View ArticleRe: Generic Article creation Issue
Hi, goto CT04 and put some values in your characteristics to create a generic material, the class or characteristics profile must have at least one variant-creating characteristic. generic articles...
View ArticleRe: Unplanned Delivery Costs in Logistic Invoice Verification
Yes! but it should be deducted from invoice!
View ArticleRe: Quantity difference in GR document and internal number
Hello Rajat, I've faced the same issue. See it may be because of conversion factor you used in material master which you're going to purchase. For example, You maintained 14.8 kg = 1 Nos in purchase...
View ArticleSub Contracting - Receipt of Material which is not defined in BOM
either as unplanned receipt with 501 movement, or you add this by-product in the components in the purchase order item at material tab (usually before you do the receipt, maybe you can process it with...
View ArticleRe: Small Difference Account
The reason this wasn't working was, there is a vendor tolerance group, if configured and apply to the company, it overrides all tolerances in the tolerance settings such as PP, BD etc You can either...
View ArticleRe: LSMW for Z fields not available on screen
MASS processing does not really support Z-fields. I am not saying it is impossible, but you usually have to do so much that it is not more beneficial for a one-time scenario. A LSMW recording will turn...
View ArticleRe: integration server not updating
Hi Vinoth, I have recently upgrade support pack stack upgrade PI 7.31 systems from 00 level to 05 level in PI systems As per the SAP note , it tells us to implement the SP for LM configuration...
View ArticleError when transporting a webservice datasource
Hi Experts, I'm facing a transportation error while transporting a datasource from development to production. The datasource is having webservice as its source system and while transporting to...
View ArticleHAWA Material
Hello Experts, Does anyone know for Material Type = HAWA, what are the critical fields in Material Master so that it can be used for BOM? Thank you,Naga Moderator message: Basic question - Please...
View ArticleRe: Planning Package- Product interchangeability
Hi , My requirement is A---> B and A-->C at the same location and not A-->B and B-->C Regards,nandha
View ArticleRe: Display additional field in planned order/production order from Sales...
In MTO, your sales order number is the unique number for the entire process, you can trace anything, planned order, production order, goods receipt, goods issue, delivery, PGI, invoice using sales...
View ArticleRe: GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED_RANGE after upgrade to Retail ECC6
Thanks, I have found this solution already
View ArticleRe: how to find the sap fields and table name?
i looked at it. Is AUGBL field is equivalent to PAYMENT DOCUMENT?.and also i could not find the field name for PAID AMOUNT....pls help
View ArticleRe: IDOC connection
Sorry for confusion i was indicating for inbound IDOC.If you check that one you will not see this. You will see the msg type and the process code but not the basic type.
View ArticleRe: In-House Repairs
Configure product relationship in t code commpr01. Click on relationship tab and maintain service and spare part relationship with actual physical product which needs to be serviced RegardsAshish
View ArticleRe: Screen error/dump in CRM Web UI 7.0
Hi Leon, Thanks for your reply.I had debugged the FM earlier and it is giving FM Exception value as 1 and the error message is getting built correctly as required. But,it gives an exception (Exception...
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