Hi Kajsa,
Effective from 1st July 2001 on, under certain circumstances value added tax must be paid on the purchase of services from other countries.
The buyer has to calculate and pay taxes.The calculated tax can be deducted from input tax.
You can achieve the reverse posting of VAT for services bought abroad, by using the condition types NLXA and NLXV for the acquisition tax.
For using the condition types NLXA and NLXV you have to change the Customizing of the tax procedure you use for Norway (TAXNO):
1. Insert new steps (eg 400 and 410) as following:
Step Condition type From ACCount Key
400 NLXA 100 ESA
410 NLXV 400 ESE
2. Define a new tax code for these condition types eg. E1 as following:
Tax type AccKy Tax perc.rate Level Fr.level Cond.type
Acqu. tax deb ESA 25,000- 400 100 NLXA
Acqu. tax cred ESE 100,000- 410 400 NLXV
Note # 447951 - "New rules for tax on services in Norway"
Note # 490814 - "Changed Tax calculation procedure Norway"