Hi Leon,
Thanks for your reply.
I had debugged the FM earlier and it is giving FM Exception value as 1 and the error message is getting built correctly as required. But,it gives an exception (Exception Class CX_SY_MESSAGE_IN_PLUGIN_MODE ) as soon as it returns to the original program where it is not caught and results in dump.
As per the user , this problem started post CRM upgrade to 7.0.
Pre-upgrade , this problem was existing but the error message was caught in an exception and displayed on the screen without dump.Also , I noticed that the flow of programs has been changed post upgrade which resulted in the exception not getting caught.
So, my issue is that how to catch this exception and avoid the dump on UI screen (like it happened pre-upgrade of system) as it is all flowing through the standard code.We raised OSS but it was dismissed stating that there is no problem in standard role.
Kindly help in resolving the issue.