Also you search for related parameter in inifile.xml created for unattended installation.
Also you search for related parameter in inifile.xml created for unattended installation.
The service is called LDAP_DS (directory services) which is free and totally different from LDAP_UA (user authentication).
You'll need a ldap server with the cfgs from a PC client installation...
For DB-lib & CT-lib on each client machine, you'll modify the libtcl.cfg to point to the centralized service.
For ODBC, OLE-DB there are special string properties to point to the LDAP Server.
There was a bug in the very early versions of PC client 15.x but I believe it got fixed.
For java, there is a J-connect feature to get it working.
The configuration also allows for a secondary LDAP server if the first one does not answer.
Many CRs around 2004-2005 in the 12.5.1 releases were created to get the feature working.
Hi Gurus,
Please find the code below, I am stuck and am not able to proceed.
TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_extension,
field TYPE char250,
END OF ty_extension,
tty_extension TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_extension.
s_documentheader TYPE bapiache09,
s_documentheader TYPE bapiache09,
s_accountgl TYPE bapiacgl09,
s_acctpay TYPE bapiacap09,
s_currencyamount TYPE bapiaccr09,
s_return TYPE bapiret2,
ls_extension1 TYPE bapiacextc,
lt_extension1 TYPE /sappce/tt_dpc_bapiacextc,
lv_string TYPE string,
v_obj_key TYPE awkey,
t_accountgl TYPE bapiacgl09_tab,
t_currencyamount TYPE bapiaccr09_tab,
t_acctpay TYPE bapiacap09_tab,
t_return TYPE bapiret2_t.
DEFINE mac_assign_extension.
clear lv_string.
concatenate &1 &2 into lv_string.
concatenate &3 lv_string into &3 separated by ';'.
*-> prepare extension
CONCATENATE '0001' '0000000010' "ls_accountpayable-itemno_acc
INTO ls_extension1-field1. " 0001 => running number for different purpose to triggering BTE "RWBAPI01"
CONCATENATE 'BSTAT' 'S' INTO ls_extension1-field2.
mac_assign_extension 'BSCHL' '39' ls_extension1-field2.
mac_assign_extension 'UMSKZ' 'F' ls_extension1-field2.
mac_assign_extension 'ZUMSK' 'Z' ls_extension1-field2.
mac_assign_extension 'SHKZG' 'H' ls_extension1-field2.
APPEND ls_extension1 TO lt_extension1.
s_documentheader-bus_act = 'RFBU'.
s_documentheader-username = 'TESTER1'.
s_documentheader-header_txt = 'Down Payment Request'.
s_documentheader-comp_code = '1000'.
s_documentheader-doc_date = '20150603'.
s_documentheader-pstng_date = '20150603'.
s_documentheader-doc_type = 'KA'.
s_documentheader-ref_doc_no = 'PARK-TESTING_1'.
s_accountgl-itemno_acc = '0000000001'.
s_accountgl-gl_account = '0000000191'.
s_accountgl-item_text = 'Testomg'.
s_accountgl-comp_code = '1000'.
s_accountgl-profit_ctr = 'PRFT_CTR'.
APPEND s_accountgl TO t_accountgl.
s_currencyamount-itemno_acc = '0000000001'.
s_currencyamount-currency = 'USD'.
s_currencyamount-amt_doccur = '190.25'.
APPEND s_currencyamount TO t_currencyamount.
s_acctpay-itemno_acc = '0000000002'.
s_acctpay-vendor_no = '0000219603'.
s_acctpay-comp_code = '1000'.
s_acctpay-profit_ctr = 'PRFT_CTR'.
s_acctpay-sp_gl_ind = 'A'.
APPEND s_acctpay TO t_acctpay.
s_currencyamount-itemno_acc = '0000000002'."l_itemno.
s_currencyamount-currency = 'USD'."gs_vbkpf-waers.
s_currencyamount-amt_doccur = '-190.25'."gt_vbsegk-wrbtr.
APPEND s_currencyamount TO t_currencyamount.
documentheader = s_documentheader
obj_key = v_obj_key
accountgl = t_accountgl
accountpayable = t_acctpay
currencyamount = t_currencyamount
extension1 = lt_extension1
* return = t_post_return.
return = t_return.
I get the below errors and I am not able to proceed. I had browsed through the SDN Forums and google but couldnt find an solution.
E | RW | 609 | Error in document: BKPFF $ |
E | RW | 022 | FI/CO interface: Balance in transaction currency |
Hi Troy,
I tried the input parameters looking at what you provided but see to be stuck with this output
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<faultstring xml:lang="en">Web service processing error; more details in the web service error log on provider side (UTC timestamp 20150603175624; Transaction ID D8190AE597B3F1F1A4B8005056B949CB)</faultstring>
This is what my input looks like
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Hit a road block any help would be greatly appreciated.
you may refer to the below link .. it might provide useful information.
Mahmoud El nady
Hi Ajay,
There are multiple universes created in Information Desing Tool and Designer where we have manipulated metadata from relational databases (developed dimensions and measures and written sql queries). I would like to connect data in Business Objects ( Data foundation, Business layers or universes) via Tableau. It seems Toreodata connector does what I am looking to do.
I hope make sense.
SAP will not develop any new functionality for WM in future. It will remain as is. So if you growth in future you want to consider that.
This look really like wrong password.
try to open tunnel with command tool - open-db-tunnel command.
With console you can send the password as parameter and to be sure you do not enter the wrong one.
Yes, exit_cancelled retains the workitem in the users inbox.
I am using Promotion Manager in BI 4.1 SP5 Patch 5 to try and move Dashboard folder contents from BI 4.1 SP1.8 that has scheduled WebI reports. Unfortunately, it does not bring over the instances our dashboards rely on. We typically use the Latest Instance to populate data in the Excel model for Dashboard Designer (formerly Xcelsius).
Any ideas?
I plan to try the command line version to see if it will do it.
So we use this Excel as a Data source
if the new Data Come and Sits in the data base will it be updated in the excel
when we created a Dashboard on top of Excel .then dashboard will be updating frequently as Data changes in the SQl Server ?
Very nice and cogent walk-through. Unfortunately I am missing the part how the variable of type session (among other types ) was created, and source pbl is not available in the attachments list. Perhaps you can add a link to the pbl?
Arthur Yalon
Try IE02 - Edit - Special Ser. No Functions - Change Serial No
Hi Nagarajan,
Can you perhaps send me a link? I have a S-User etc.
I looked at the portal menu and did a search but still can't find this doc or any that might give me in depth info on any subject. Not sure why I am having so much trouble.
Thanks so much,
what do you mean by status overview also changed? Can you provide example and screen shot of your scenario?
Did you try the BAPI BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE to change the pick quantity?
Thanks Inaki, but i dont want statics, i need to canel all those messages which are in scheduled status.
Hi Vardhan,
That's the one question I really can't answer.
I suppose the only way of answering it (unless someone else on SCN - from SAP chips in) is to update your openssl as I suggested before. That way you take the question off the table.
Other thing is to get the moderator Moderator Spotlight Juan Pablo Reyes to move this question over to the SAP Single Sign-On space where I think you'll get more deep insight.
Hi Team,
I am working in Agentry Eclipse Juno - Eclipse SDK Version: 4.2.2. I have created a new Java class, exported the project as .jar and also maintaintaied the class path in Agentry.ini.
Next I am trying to create a step , so that I can create a java steplet and associate it with a transaction.
But when I am adding the existing class, it is not giving me any option, neither my new Java class nor any java class. Can you guide what possibly can be the reason for this issue.
Please guide
Thanks and Regards
Neha Mahanty
Yes it should be possible to create Open Scan code that will return values from either RFID or a barcode. This is of course assuming the device has both types of scanners present as either built in hardware or external perphials and that you have the necessary scanner API / SDKs from the vendor to interface with them.
My use case is as follows.
I have several files, being placed in a directory, with a naming convention similar to MYNAME.*.txt where * is A, B, etc.
I want to have a single job to execute on all files matching MYNAME.*.txt and then send the data to A.txt, B.txt, etc. If a file is MYNAME.A.txt I only want to update A.txt.
I currently have implemented a basic workflow reading the files and then using a case statement to send, based on filename, to whichever output filename is appropriate.
However, this means that if there is only one file to load (MYNAME.A.txt) an empty txt is created for all conditions of the case statement (B.txt will be blank).
Is there a way to only execute a case statement if there is data or if it matches a filename?
In pseudo code, I want something like:
Case (letter){
Case A: generate a.txt
Case B: generate b.txt
Rather than basically executing all cases, but only sending filtered data to each.