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Re: Promotion Management Log


This reminds me of the infamous Microsoft error box that says "An error occured". Technically accurate but completely useless.

    How about having a conversation with those PM/LCM developers and ask them to give us a clue inside PM when these jobs fail...which happens more than successes, especially for larger jobs. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss Import Wizard.

  At a minimum, how about a button that opens the log or a message telling us logs were not enabled and ask us if we'd like them enabled and then do it when we say yes.


Long run, we need a clean and easy tool to move content and security across systems to support QA and Test and LCM is not it. Unfortunately, it's now all we have.


This error was on BI 4.1 SP5 Patch 5, so it's clear it's not improving in the most recent release.

Re: Fiori HCM : People Profile / HCM_EMPLOYEE_LOOKUP_SRV / Hierarchy app fails


Hi Gregor,


We are also facing same issue with employee lookup. Not getting any direct reports of the manager.


Please let me know if you get the solution.






Re: HMRC government Gateway Error in RTI Submission


Hi Pradeep,


the note you mention is quite old and there have been numerous corrections since, most notably 2146450 and 2152586. If you are not yet on May Support Package level for the UK, it would probably be a good start to review notes following your latest update.

If you get to the point where you need help from SAP support, they'd probably ask for that anyway before investigating more thoroughly.


One particular issue some customers hit - and for some reason only after tax year end is that they didn't run the update for missing SPROXY objects as described in Note 2082278 or did it in the wrong sequence. Check that out and in case of doubt contact SAP support to find out, whether you need to go back to that.


best wishes


Re: LSO Course Booking (T.Code : LSO_PV00 )


HI Johan/all-


Was your issue ever resolved? I have same issue and have done the same configuration steps. System just hangs and eventually ABAP time out error.



Re: 2 downpayment lines on Final Invoice


HI ,


For better resolution pls provide us the screen shot of that invoice where ur line items are canceling and also give us the error msg screen shot.





Re: Can you help me understand Adobe Document Digital Signatures and how it works with NetWeaver ?


Hi Tim,


I can't speak to the digital signatures specifically, as we haven't implemented that here, but I may be able to point you in the right direction with some of the peripheral questions you asked, as we do use ADS for interactive forms over SSL.


The Java stack is the host for the ADS functionality. You can use any existing Java stack in your landscape, such as your Enterprise Portal, for instance, or you can install ADS on a dedicated Java stack (which is what we do, and what I recommend). So, the basic level of SSL communication is regular Java stack configuration, not specific to ADS.


The end users do not normally need their own userID on the ADS server. Instead, you will create a user called ADSUSER as a technical user on the Java stack, and then you will use the client certificate of your ABAP system (i.e., the SSL client SSL Client (Standard) entry in STRUST). Export the ABAP system's SSL client cert and import it to the Java stack's ICM SSL view, and as a client certificate for the ADSUSER. This way, your ABAP system can talk and authenticate to the ADS system over SSL as ADSUSER.


You will also need to create a system user on the ABAP system called ADS_AGENT and give it the SAP_BC_FPADS_ICF role. Then you will create a Destination on the Java system called FP_ICF_DATA_<ABAP_SID> that points to your ABAP system and authenticates with the ADS_AGENT credentials.


You will probably need to install some sort of Adobe credential to the ADS configuration on the Java system. For instance, for interactive forms, there is a credential called ReaderRights to be installed. You apply to SAP for this credential, and it is specific to your customer number. With this credential installed, your end users can use the basic Adobe Reader application to fill in interactive forms, or sign documents, or whatever the credential authorizes. They shouldn't need the full Acrobat product. The Adobe Reader will be called within a frame when they are logged into the ABAP system.


Anyway, that's a high-level overview of the basic landscape for SSL on ADS and integration within an ABAP scenario. I know it doesn't answer your digital signature questions, but hopefully points you in the right direction.




Re: Message Mapping - with more than 01 message structure


Hi Harish / Manoj,

thank you for the reply..


I tested with signature tab option. But ;


  • When other structures are added in the signature tab, the original structure gets changed (it automatically adds some header nodes like "Messages" , "Message1")in the mapping. Will this affect runtime for a successful mapping?


I have mapped the 01st structure half way and if I import the other two , that mappings will be deleted and showing a message like " unable to find the target fields due to message was changes"...



Plz advice...

Re: Adding a field to the VA03 search




It's not possible without to change the standard program SAPVA45A, problably it's better to add a new selection criteria in search help



Re: Unexpected licensing behaviour in NW7.4SR2 ABAP.


That is correct.

You need the license only for the hardware key of the server where the Message Server process is running at.


Any instance (CI, DI) you have on any server (the same of the Message Server or not) will connect to the Message Server to get the hardware key, and it will check if a license for that hardware key exists.


You would need more than one license only on HA (High Availability) scenarios, where the Message Server is running at an ASCS instance. The ASCS would be part of a cluster that can have two or more nodes. In this case, you would need one license per cluster node (as the Message Server could run on any cluster node, and it will calculate a different hardware key at each node).




Re: HCI - DS - Authorization issue


i don't know, this is something Basis can do. all you have to do is provide your BODS server name to them.





Re: ME28 Email Trigger




Output is created for PO as soon as PO is saved . But when there is release strategy is active output can not be printed or external send will not be completed.

In your case u are saying that PO output type for external send is already done then first place u need to release PO first then external output will be completed.

please check whether u mentained proper condition record for ur PO.

Re: HANA Studio: BW Reporting Preview


In case if you issue is still not resolved....


We had this issue and got resolved after enabling HTTPS in SMICM..





Please how can i resolve this problem ?




Re: Unexpected licensing behaviour in NW7.4SR2 ABAP.


Brilliant - Many thanks, Isaias, for that clear and concise explanation.


Thank you everybody; much appreciated!

Re: HCM Declustering


The software component SAP_HRRXX 604 supports declustering scenario.

Declustering is supported by the following:

  • Software component version 6.04 of SAP_HR
  • Cluster version 04 and 05
  • Data with cluster type 1


If you are at correct patch and version, you will find it in IMG section by t-code SPRO.

  •  Time Management  Declustering  Switch On or Switch Off Synchronous Declustering
  •  Time Management  Declustering  Maintain Declustering Registry for Time Evaluation Results




Block users from seeing certain warehouses


Dear All,


Is there a way to only allow users to see the inventory in a certain warehouse. Example:


I have location A & B. Location A manages stock and should be able to see all the stock in the company.

However location B which is another location must only be able to see the stock in B(warehouse).


Thanks in advance,


Re: HANA Cloud Platform - Productive - 404 when running index.html


Hello Kai,


hm, your config looks ok.

You are saying that the XS Application is also not available anymore in the XS Applications tab. Maybe the issue is related to the problems reported in the HCP space for the trial instance (e.g. http://scn.sap.com/thread/3746068). I had the same issue today.


Perhaps you can try to create a new XS app for testing (and copy your files from the old project to the new one).


Best Regards,


Re: Runtime Error : DYNPRO_ITAB_ERROR


Hi Purushottam ,


Is it a newly installed system ?


If yes have you run SGEN after installation ?


Please provide more info on what exactly you did   and post the Dump if you are still getting the same dump  [ May be the dump occurred as you tried to cancel the session ]


Thanks ,


Re: FM or RFC to get Legal regulation License Number assigned for sales document from GTS to ECC


Amit -


I think, for what you are requesting, developing a custom function module in GTS is a good solution.  Having looked at a few of the FM's out there for license determination you would still be required to provide the customs document number or the internal GUID ids for the line item(s) to obtain the license.


In your post from late May I think the tables that would need to be queried within a custom FM were supplied. 





Retention policy for manual attachments


Hello All


I have set up a content repository (file system storage) in our SAP system for manual attachments. The users can manually attach and retrieve documents from FB03 (for ex.).


Since these documents do not have a document number, doctype, link table and retention as we configure in OAC3, can someone explain me how can I configure retention for these manual attachments? I know that these documents are updated in the table SOOD.




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