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Re: Create Follow-on RFx Error


Hi Ivan

So what I understand is that you want the message to appear only when the user is creating the RFX but if the existing  RFx is being changed by clicking on edit it should not be giving the message ..


So for this try to do this .. PUt a select condition on Table CRMD_orderadm_h based on the header_guid of the RFx if sy-subrc EQ  0 then the BID already exists and then skip your check

and if SY-SUBRC NE 0 it measn the bid does not exist and you can keep your check ...


You may also have to check for a bid in saved status separately for which select from table crm_jest ..


For the field maybe this can help ..

Function module to identify direct link between Rfx and Purchase Order


Let me know if this helps ..


Re: Module pool programming filed is not appearing after i made disappear.




Your Correct.

It's My mistake..

Two codes are executing same time.

i need to put  if condition..

Two are working One is making visible other one is making invisible bcz of that reason..

filed is not visible..

Keep posting..

Re: "X" in result row when summing up hierarchies

Re: System hangs while working with Adobe forms in Eclipse


Hi All,

Even i am facing hanging issue with ALD in Eclipse editor.

This is our configuration

Adobe live cycle designer version : es2 version 9.0.1. something....

SAP net weaver : 7.31 with EHP 6


Please reply if  any one has solution

Thanks in advance



HI Saranya

It could be that this is not a BADI which is to be used in SRM 7 ..


If you open the BADI you will see it is OBSOLETE ..

Kindly check the implementation of this BADI and delete / Deactivate it ..

The error should be gone









Hi Gurus,


Can you please help me in understanding the following questions?


1. We have ECC on HANA and BW 7.4 (Sandbox) on Oracle. Is it possible to consume cubes and DSO as HANA models in ECC on HANA? IF yes what should be the procedure


2. I guess its not possible to make info objects, cubes and dso as hana optimized if our bw on other database.


3. We have BW on HANA installed and I can see that by default our cubes are ticked as HANA optimized. Now to consume our Cubes and DSO into HANA, I guess we need to have access to HANA studio (BW on HANA) to create views and combine BW Providers and HANA Views. Iam i right???


4. Suppose if we have ECC on HANA and BW on HANA and both are connected. Now I can create attribute views and analytical views on ECC on HANA and then Consume BW models in ECC on HANA. Is it possible, if yes can you please let me know how?


5. Can I Install BW and ECC on same HANA database. IS it recommened??



Re: How to replace standard SAP Logo with our custom Logo

Re: Registration-free .NET activation



I am using Fusion Logs to see how the assemblies bind. And this is what I get in the fusion log:


*** Assembly Binder Log Entry (29-04-2015 @ 6:46:58 PM) ***


The operation failed.

Bind result: hr = 0x8013101b. No description available.


Assembly manager loaded from: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll

Running under executable C:\globalConnection\SalesChannel\sales_channel.exe

--- A detailed error log follows.


=== Pre-bind state information ===

LOG: User = vm-g4-goc\user

LOG: DisplayName = silverbyte.common.mailing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/globalConnection/SalesChannel/

LOG: Initial PrivatePath = NULL

LOG: Dynamic Base = NULL

LOG: Cache Base = NULL

LOG: AppName = NULL

Calling assembly : (Unknown).


LOG: This bind starts in default load context.

LOG: Download of application configuration file was attempted from file:///C:/globalConnection/SalesChannel/sales_channel.exe.Config.

LOG: Found application configuration file (C:\globalConnection\SalesChannel\sales_channel.exe.Config).

LOG: Using application configuration file: C:\globalConnection\SalesChannel\sales_channel.exe.Config

LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\config\machine.config.

LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private, custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind).

LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/globalConnection/SalesChannel/silverbyte.common.mailing.DLL.

LOG: Assembly download was successful. Attempting setup of file: C:\globalConnection\SalesChannel\silverbyte.common.mailing.dll

LOG: Entering run-from-source setup phase.

ERR: Error extracting manifest import from file (hr = 0x8013101b).

ERR: Failed to complete setup of assembly (hr = 0x8013101b). Probing terminated.



The manifest for the silverbyte.common.mailing.DLL (a .NET assembly from PB.NET) is located in the same directory. Yes the assembly manager fails to load it. Could it be that the problem is that the assembly manager is from .NET framework 2. If so, how can I make the app to use one from version 4 (the assembly is also v4) ?

Re: SAP Data Services 4.2 vs MS Sql Server 2000


Hi Hitesh,


It was not the issue with SAP Business Objects Applictaion, please check your Oprtating system is supported with respect to SQL Server native client.


Refre the below article for more details.


Support Policies for SQL Server Native Client:




Hope this will help!!!!




Re: My Inbox - /IWPGW/TaskProcessing (v2) - TaskCollection is Blank


There is some problem with my launchpad admin.


Well I guess there is some issue with the status of the workitem : Go to FLP admin page. Select myinbox tile configuration.


Change the URL to : /sap/opu/odata/IWPGW/TASKPROCESSING;v=2;mo/TaskCollection/$count


ie. Remove the filter conditions. This will show your entire workitems present in the inbox.


But this will only show you the count in the tile as "10" (your workitem count)


Now figure out the same logic somewhere else as well. As my admin access has some issue.




Re: My Inbox - /IWPGW/TaskProcessing (v2) - TaskCollection is Blank


You should also check for upgrading your UI component to SP05 and IWPGW to SP07.


Corrections might be included in the latest support packs.



Re: How to disable add button on account team without SDK work


Hi Mithun,


I want to disable\hide add button only for Sales Rep business role, when I do this step, it will hide the button for all business role. Is there any other way out.



Anil Poply

Re: Is SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards a separate Product?


Hi David,

Regarding your query below is the detail explanation:


Crystal Report 2013:

Crystal report is enterprise reporting tool; SAP Crystal Reports 2013 (Crystal Reports) is designed to work with your database to help you analyze

and interpret important information. Crystal Reports makes it easy to create simple reports, and, it also has the comprehensive tools you need to produce complex or specialized reports.


For more details please refer below SAP tutorial:

Official Product Tutorials – SAP Crystal Reports 2011 / 2013


For more details please refer below SAP document:


SAP Crystal Reports 2013 – SAP Help Portal Page



Crystal report Server:

Crystal Server is an Entry-Level BI solution that enables you to securely open, view, interact with and share reports and dashboards over the Web. It enables you to intuitively explore and visualize data.Built on the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform, Crystal Server includes a report

publisher, a web portal interface that displays reports, and Software Development Kit (SDK) that allows you to customize Crystal Server and integrate it with your custom applications.


Crystal Server can be installed on a single host machine for up to 250 end-users. The end-users can concurrently access, view, and interact with reports on the web. It also enables you to store reports in a central database for security, and data integrity, and access these reports through a web portal. In addition, Crystal Server allows you to setup security to control access to specific folders and reports.

You can also specify the rights for users or groups, to schedule or export reports


For more details please refer below SAP document:



Can I build dashboard reports with these or do I require a 3rd product to build dashboard reports?

Solution: You cannot build a Dashboard using Crystal report 2013 & Crystal report server; You have to purchase new software called "SAP Business Objects Dashboards"


For more details please refer below SAP document:



For more details please refer below SAP tutorial:

Official Product Tutorials – SAP Crystal Reports 2011 / 2013


Hope this will help!!!!




Re: Creating Validation to check Functional area


Hi Ibrahim,


Activate trace for the validation and do testing. Here system will show, what you did wrong. I did testing for it and it is working fine.




Re: Handling time via oData


Apologies for the delay but SCN was down when I tried to post yesterday.


I am using an oData model. The details are as follows:


In Controller:

var oModel = new   sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZMB_PERSON_SRV/", false);

               var oTableRef = sap.ui.getCore().byId("tabPer");

               var oPlntInp  = sap.ui.getCore().byId("hlpplnt");



               var oFilPer = new sap.ui.model.Filter('Werks', sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, oPlntInp.getValue()); 


                       path    : "/ZMB_SITE_PERSONSet",

                       filters : [ oFilPer ]





In View: (selected code)

var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table("tabPer", {.............}



  • oTable.addColumn(new

                       label : new sap.ui.commons.Label({

                              text : "Start Time",

                              design : sap.ui.commons.LabelDesign.Bold                                   


                       template : new sap.ui.commons.TextView().bindProperty(



                       width : "10%"



Thanks for your time Maksim!

Re: Select ntext field returns truncated data




Yep, that's it. I had to modify a little your query as ntext won't take len(), but that helped figure it out. Thanks much.

Re: How to change default portal theme only for selected users




1. System admin --> system config --> portal display -->create a new deskop


2. Add the Framework page to newly created desktop by right click-->add frameworkpage to desktop.


3. Add the SAP streamline theme to dektop.


4. Now create a new group and add the 4 users  and open the Rule collection create  a new like


  if group = xyz

   then desktop = newly created desktop


Just follow below links for reference




Creating and Editing a Portal Desktop - Portal - SAP Library

Re: Mail Content to PO Reminder / Expeditures ( ME91F )


Hi Mehmet,


I am interested in knowing the solution/steps to get MAHN configured using standard SAP objects(program & Script and standard TCodes).


Since 5-6 days, I have already searched lot of stuff on SDN and other portals but unable to get my problem resolved hence seeking solution by wrting into this thread.


I tried the same and configured MAHN into NACE triggered ME91F/ME9F etc etc, but once the mail is being sent and is visible in SOST. I am unable to see the mail text(Body). I even tried to maintain the same text in NACE against MAHN, but still that text is not visible. I am able to acheive dynamic subject of mail (i.e. PO No &EKKO-EBELN&) but unable to get neither dynamic nor static text of email body.

Can you please guide me ?


I tasked same thing yesterday to Charith as he already faced this same issue.


Anyone who can please throw some light, I am stucked in implementation project



Pankaj Khare

Re: factory calendar im Time Evaluation


In which part of time eval do you want to use factory calendar?  WSR's are based on holiday calendar.

How to configure Agentry application in SMP3.0 ?


Hello experts,

                     I am building an Agentry application in eclipse. For this I need to configure the application in SMP3.0. But I don't know the corrct steps to configure it in SMP3.0. Any suggestions will be helpful to me.






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