Yes. I don't think we can configure new statuses in TM. It may require a custom development.
Re: Status
Re: DTW Incoming payment Credit Card
Hi Douglas,
try again after doing the following things
1. ORCT - Remove values from Cash Sum for credit card incoming payment transactions
2. ORCT - Enter Series Code instead of series name
3.RCT3 - Give only last 4 digits of Credit card No.
Please revert back with results
im not able to access my derived table in universe
I have created a derived table but i dnt know how to use that in universe. if im publishing my existing universe to repository also the derived table in not appearing.
So please tell me how do i add my derived table to my universe so that i can use that table in my dashboard?
SAP B1 9.1 BOM Uploading template
I am trying to upload BOMs in SAP B1 9.1 through DTW using templates but it is continuously throwing an error "Component item tree not found".
I am using the same sheets to upload data in SAP B1 9.0 and it is working perfectly fine. Can someone please assist with any additional information I will need to put on the uploading template sheet to make it work?
Any help/assistance would be very kind!!
Problem in Settlement Network Activity, Cost Element is not matched with Settlement Parameter
Dear CO/PS Expert,
We are experiencing abnormal Settlement Transaction.
The overview as follow:
- We have a lot of Network and Activities to be settled every month.
- There are many Settlement Profile and Allocation Structure to be assigned to Network Activity based on their purpose
- Sometimes (with inconsistency pattern), we find that Settlement Transaction of some Network Activity (just a few network of thousands network) was not follow the Settlement Parameter where Cost Element Assignment for Sender and Receiver was defined based on Network Type. Detail Illustration can be described as following example:
- Network Activity that has problem in Settlement Transaction is 4557332 0010
- The Network has Network Type ZN06
- Settlement Profile which assigned is ZN06 with Allocation Structure is 06
- But, when settlement done with TCode CJ8G, the transaction is resulting that Cost Element used in this settlement is got from Settlement Profile ZN01 and Allocation Structure 01. Therefore, the CO Document for this settlement of Network Activity 4557332 0010 was wrong Cost Element.
Please help, Are some of you has same experience ?
Is this bug in SAP Settlement process (CJ8G) ?
Please advice
Adi Prasetya
Re: Issue with first Service Agent login
Hello Felipe/Alejandro,
Can you please share the observations and solution with the community? (if this is resolved.)
Re: Link between Operative and standard network
Open the operative network in CJ20N. Go to Edit -> Network -> Read In standard Network. In the dialog box you will find the standard network.
Analytic view or Calculation view
Dear Experts,
I have a scenario where we used 2 analytic views A,B and on top of them there are 2 calculation views C(on top of A) and D(on top of B).
Calculation views are created just for aggregation purpose.
In re-designing above scenario, Will it be good to use only calculation view including all the things from Analytic view and use aggregation as in previous calculation view?
Is there any additional benefit in terms of performance or etc. if we build Calculation view on top of Analytic view just for Aggregation purpose?
Thank you for your help.
Re: Receiving from customer in different currency
Hi Pravin,
In which currency have you received incoming payment? If it is in CAD,then in F-28 change the currency as CAD and maintain exchange rate besides it. Then post the document.
Account Group short description not showing
Hi Gurus,
We are facing the issue in uploading GL master data in FSP0. in
transaction account group short text not showing due to this we are
getting error in GL master uploading in LSMW.
Kindly go through attached file.
Re: GRIR conversion
Hi Kartik,
GRIR conversion account means is it GRIR clearing account? If it is, then it should maintain with open item management with line item display check box.
Re: Problem display Odata in SAP UI5
I did with two solution
Solution 1: Using this code in Controller.js
var sServiceUrl = "http://your_url:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZLUN_TEST_WS_MS";
function getServiceUrl(sServiceUrl)
var sOrigin = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname
+ (window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : "");
if (!, sOrigin))
return "proxy/" + sServiceUrl.replace("://", "/");
return sServiceUrl.substring(sOrigin.length);
sServiceUrl = getServiceUrl(sServiceUrl);
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(sServiceUrl,false,"username", "password");
oModel.oHeader = {
"DataServiceVersion": "3.0",
"MaxDataServiceVersion": "3.0"
var oTable = sap.ui.getCore().byId("tblList");
In the view.js:"sap.ui.table.Table");
//create the ApplicationHeader control
var oAppHeader = new sap.ui.commons.ApplicationHeader("appHeader");
//configure the branding area
oAppHeader.setLogoText("Project Display Checker");
//configure the welcome area
oAppHeader.setUserName("Lu Nguyen");
//configure the log off area
var oButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
text: "Detail",
press: oController.callDetail
var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({
id: "tblList",
visibleRowCount: 7,
firstVisibleRow: 3,
selectionMode: sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.Single,
navigationMode: sap.ui.table.NavigationMode.Paginator,
editable: false,
oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Index"}),
template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value","INDEX"),
editable: false,
oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Project Number"}),
template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value","PROJECT_NUMBER"),
editable: false,
oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Project Item"}),
template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value","PROJECT_ITEM"),
editable: false,
oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Description"}),
template: new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value","DESCRIPTION_INT"),
editable: false,
return oTable;
The Result
Solution 2: In file Controller.js
var base_uri = "hana cloud link";
var proj_name = "BudgetApp";
var app_id = "95975eba-9a2f-43b7-b262-c3e41000d614";
// var email_adr = 'your_email';
var request_uri = base_uri+proj_name;
var language = "EN";
var headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/atom+json",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
Authorization: "Basic "+ Base64.encode("hana_account"+":" +"hana_pass")
//Authorization: "Basic "+ Base64.encode("email"+":" +"hanna cloud pass"
var sServiceUrl = request_uri;
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(sServiceUrl,false,"hana_account","hana_pass",headers);
oModel.oHeader = {
"DataServiceVersion": "3.0",
"MaxDataServiceVersion": "3.0"
var oTable = sap.ui.getCore().byId("tblList");
The view.js is the same.
Hope this help.
Kind regards,
Lu Nguyen.
Re: Issue with excel on Dashboard
make sure what is ur excel file format
make sure it is in proper format
or open that excel and save as that excel
and use a new copy of excel for import
Re: Unit stuck in QI
Hi Eric,
I knew this is old thread but want to know how did you corrected the above issue as we have come across same situation recently.
Appreciate your response in advance.
How to hide Functions in Cfolder
Hi All,
As per our requirement in SRM Cfolder once we click on Home it will display all Business functions like:Competitive Scenario,Meetings,Notification Template etc. we need all these based on some authorization object/group.
Please guide me to solve the same.
Navdeep Singh
GRC 10 implementation approach
Hi All,
Am in the process of implementing GRC 10 with the following components for a pharma client.
Access Risk Analysis (ARA)
Access Request Management (ARM)
Emergency Access (Firefighter)
Business Role Management (BRM)
I just wanted to know your views on what kind of approach is better?. Please comment your views with your best approach.
My view is to first implement ARA and EAM together and then go ahead with ARM and BRM packed together.
Thank You for your idea.
Re: Issue with Write Syntax
Hi Shyam,
Can you check the format of the element created in Adobe Form, may be the format of that element is affecting it.
Re: Date format based on locale
Hello Julie,
If you want to support different date format based on dynamic locales, then by default "medium locale format" will be displayed for US - MM/DD/YY. This is as per with Adobe documentation
Adobe LiveCycle ES3 * Formatting field values and using patterns
However, by default, Designer displays the default value in the medium locale format at both design time and run time.
Re: Item Default Bin Details in Sales Order - Print
Hi Abdul,
Try this:
SELECT T1.BinCode FROM OITW T0 INNER JOIN OBIN T1 ON T0.DftBinAbs = T1.AbsEntry WHERE T0.ItemCode =$[$38.1.0]