Hi Anil,
Yes, you have to write off this difference to reserve & surplus a/c. Because this depreciation pertains to previous years and it should go to reserve.
Hi Anil,
Yes, you have to write off this difference to reserve & surplus a/c. Because this depreciation pertains to previous years and it should go to reserve.
I would like you to take through a simple example of usage of PRT.
Now you want to do over hauling maintenance of an air compressor, here you need the tools like chain pulley block to lift the L.P and H.P cylinders and heat exchangers.
Here you need to treat "Chain Pully block" as PRT equipment in maintenance prospective.
So you can assign the PRT equipments in the task list of "Air compressor overhaul "Maintenance.You can assign multiple PRT equipments if your maintenance operation deserves them in TASK LIST.
PRTs are helping tools for the maintenance activities.
Configuration point of view, its just like an equipment master need to have separate category and new additional screens "PRT Data" will be added to PRT equipments.
Hi Anil,
The period significance is the asset useful life is 999 years and 11 periods. Since you are using percentage method and it wont impact on your depreciation calculation. This is for your information only.
If you remove the period value from it field, then definitely it will impact on your depreciation calculation, if you are calculating depreciation based on useful life. Otherwise it wont impact.
you can remove the authorization tcode MIR4 because when you change or delete the document it will go in MIR4.
Please find the following details it may help you
As of now you need to write off, but you can think on increasing the life of an asset, if you had done some major maintenance on that by adding that cost to an asset.Life of an asset can be increased by adding subsequent overhauling or major maintenance cost on that technical object and based on that depreciation will be calculated.
Please tell me how to write off the difference amount...
1) in standard we don't have provision to drill down at lower lever to perform the confirmation you can define only at movement type level hence you need to write your own custom logic ask your development team to have a look on the function module L_TO_CONFIRM / L_TO_CONFIRM_SU
2) Storage type 901 is for receipt from production and for this WM movement type 103 is mapped against IM movement type 101 check your configuration for that
Senario :In Webi 4.1 Report We have input control on column Space 1,Space 2,Space 3,Item | ||||
we have Space 1,Space 2,Space 3,Item as dimension and Measure as quantity value | ||||
measure value is fixed on Space 1,Space2,Space3 | ||||
I need the sum on changing the value of input control Space 1,Space 2,Space 3 in permutation but not on Item | ||||
Measure doesnot depend on item |
Space1 | Space2 | Space3 | Item | Measure |
A1 | B1 | C1 | D1 | 2 |
A1 | B1 | C1 | D2 | 2 |
A1 | B1 | C2 | D3 | 3 |
A1 | B1 | C2 | D4 | 3 |
A1 | B2 | C1 | D5 | 4 |
A1 | B2 | C1 | D6 | 4 |
A2 | B1 | C1 | D7 | 6 |
A2 | B1 | C1 | D8 | 6 |
result : on selection of input control | |||
Space1 | Space2 | Space3 | sum |
A1 | B1 | C1 | 2 |
A1 | B1 | All | 5 |
A2 | All | All | 6 |
All | All | All | 15 |
Storage Bin which we select in the Transfer Order ---Do you want system to propose you the bin or you want to enter the bin manually at the time of creation of transfer order ??
you are missing the basic flow of WM, upon unloading first stock will come into storage type 902 (which is the area next to unloading door) and from there you can move the stock to the physical bin location. for this your configuration for movement type 101 should be
with this setting the purchase order number will become the source bin number
Hi Andy,
Thanks for reply.
I am talking about BPC 10.0 , can you let me know what the procedure so can complete this task.
Hi Melissa,
You can create a BRF+rule based on Role Critical Level:
Auto-Rejection is not possible as per standard GRC configuration setup. Basically what you can do is route the roles based on Critical Level to two different paths.
1. If the roles have critical level as RESTRICTED send to path with ROLE OWNER stage for approval.
2. If the roles have critical level as NOT RESTRICTED send to path with SECURITY ADMIN who need to manually REJECT these roles as Auto Rejection option is not available.
Since you already know which roles are NOT RESTRICTED as you maintain Critical level for these roles and you want these to be auto rejected, why don't you disable these roles from user selection in first place?
Hi Sree,
I have checked the above code its working fine for me !!!
I am able to display Field Names.
so please give a try for structure name in CAPITALS
CALL METHOD lo_grid->set_table_for_first_display
i_structure_name = 'Z30_RECKAUF_LOG' " 'z30_reckauf_log'.
Note: make sure the structure 'Z30_RECKAUF_LOG' is available in DDIC,
or else we need to generate Field Catalogue.
Message was edited by: SN SANTOSH PENUMASCHA
could you please provide the detailed info of invoke_db2sap.sql to us, please also check the detailed
info in sapinst_dev.log to see which user is used before the following statement was run:
db2 -tvf invoke_db2sap.sql -r invoke_db2sap.res -z invoke_db2sap.out
Thank you very much.
Hi Venkat R,
I am not sure if you used SA MP of IBM Tivoli to manage your database HADR, if so, after
you stopped your primary database manually, SA MP will try to start the primary database
by itself again and again.
If you didn't us SA MP of IBM Tivoli to manage HADR and the HADR is managed by yourself manually, I think you could refer to following steps to restart your primary database server:
logon primary database server with db2<sid>:
db2 force applications all
db2 deactivate db <SID>
db2 stop HADR on db <SID>
db2 terminate
db2stop force
After the database was stopped, you could restart the primary server.
and then you could restart the primary database like following:
db2 start hadr on db <SID> as primary
db2 activate db <SID>
After these you could start the SAP (CI) in this primary database server again.
While if you used SA MP of IBM Tivoli to manage HADR, please don't use the steps that I have
provided and contact us again, we will need more info to check the issue further. Thank you.
Hi venu
after searching in Google I posted here
by the way many thanks for instant reply
thanks and regards
I am closing the discussion
Most of our purchase orders are placed with external vendors via EXW / FOB / etc terms. We currently maintain Planned delivery time and GR processing time in the material master. We need a field to maintain material transit time in the MM and PO
Maintaining only the number of days would also solve our Purpose. Eg transit time is known if the shipping instructions are known
Hello Abhjit,
First check and set the archive log parameter as mentioned by Fidel. Then try to login ORA_SID account as well and try to execute the command as you need. Still your database is not available
as showed in below error.
B ***LOG BY0=> ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist [dblink#3 @ 431] [dblink 0431 ]
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c 1403]
M in_ThErrHandl"
Hi Susheel,
When iam creating sale order in VA01 in the line item in shipping tab,when iam entrine plant system is throwing error message.
Why are you entering plant manually when you maintained plant in CMR,MMR and plant assignments.
It shall automatically determine into line item.
please check if plant is having any "Zero" or "O" which you might have maintained wrongly mistake.