Re: modeled deadlines in srm 7
Hello, That has to be the most common workflow scenario there is!I would put the Approve step in a loop and its agents in a container element. When the deadline expires, add the supervisor to the...
View ArticleRestore a ABAP+JAVA system with critical conditions
Hi, is it possible a full restore on a new server of a ABAP+JAVA system (it was a NetWeaver 7.00 SR3) with database backup and profile backup only?I'm usre that is possibile for ABAP system only but in...
View ArticleRe: How to Read/Edit The Transport Files?
Hi TJ, Please add the data file to the folder /usr/sap/trans/data if its unix or to Drive:\usr\sap\trans\data if on windows and similarly add the cofile to the the folder /usr/sap/trans/cofiles if its...
View ArticleRe: Not able to fetch data from plug
there is nothing wrong with your inbound and outbound plug. when you are firing outbound plug.
View Articlehow to lock objects with an oData Service
Hi, Example:Somebody should change an order on his mobile device. How can i lock them for other users?(best case, linked to the session time btw. How can i show all valid sessions?)Problem:The standard...
View Article2LIS_02_SCL has to convert in bi 7.x to 3.x data source format
Hi Manjunath, Goto tode rsds, provide source system and datasource name. There you can see option for restore to 3.x. Regards,Ganesh
View ArticleRe: MIME Folder Properties - Accessing .JS file of MIME folder from external...
We need to create service with same name of your folder(in SICF) with appropriate handler to call this object.
View ArticleIncomplete Screen in BPC10 Web
Hi, we upgrade SP in BW and BPC, but have problema in final users. When we join to URL view incomplete start web page. This is using XP and IE7 This is using Win7 & IE9 32 Bits or 64 Bits. User:...
View ArticleCE 7.30 landscape: Where to install NWDI?
Hi, I'm still trying to setup NWDI together with CM Services and CTS+ in our CE environment. We have three CE 7.30 systems: DEV, QUAL and PROD.CTS+ is running on PI 7.11. Now I've opened a note because...
View ArticleBW Hierarchy issue
Hello All, I have data in the 0PLANT info object (In p table ) , one Plant it is available in this table but same plant is not visible when i need insert this plant in the hierarchy. I have checked the...
View ArticleRe: 1740500 - Error "Illegal access to the viewer. Please use a valid URL"
I'm sorry, but I won;t be able to do that. A best way to proceed is thru SAP support. provide them with the trace and they should be able to find the root cause.
View ArticleStock transfer
Receive the Complete Quantity ie 1000 Kgs in Receiving Plant and then Scrap the quantity which is lost in transit.
View ArticleRe: Poblems during Copying a Std progr to Z**program
Hi Zanazan,As mentioned in my question, i need selection screen block(already missing) for 'Selection with Objects of Utility Industry' and has Connection Objct, Premise, Asset, Dev, Dev Type. I should...
View ArticleRe: Send email to SAP inbox
yes you can do this by SAP-Workflow, and it will be more helpful if you elaborate your requirement Regards, Sarthak Arora
View ArticleRe: rep mfg. in SAP PP?
Rama,The rules of engagement require a search before posting questions. Your search evidently missed:SAP Help on...
View ArticleRe: schedule depend jobs DS 4
It's very bad work around, imho. Is DS still very poor with Jobs Management. You can vote and comment if you want....
View ArticleRe: How to add a schedule for job2 with a condition after job 1 is finished
Is DS still very poor with Jobs Management. You can vote and comment if you want....
Hi, I am facing the issue in Business explorer-----Query designer I opened the Query designer, login with my credentials-------open query---select info areas----select info area for...
View Articletrainer for Payroll & Time evaluation config
Dear All,I am looking for a trainer for payroll and time evaluation configurations for Delhi/NCR location...kindly e-mail me if interested along with course details, contact number and fee. It is very...
View Articlegoing dump for the program?
The correct way to call the fasting method would lo_animal->fasting( ).
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