Re: Deployment of CR for Visual Studio 64 bit
There are two other KBAs that address the error: 1530061 - Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Installation Error 27531864395 - Error 2753 when installing SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio...
View ArticleRe: CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT query with placeholders fails
Well, again, the WITH DATA clause is wrong in your code.It belongs to the CREATE TABLE LIKE command - not to the CREATE TABLE AS command. Anyhow, I tested this with correct syntax and it still fails...
View ArticleRe: regarding wf not getting updated in srm
Hello, That is always the first thing I ask, if someone says something is wrong in UWL: have you clicked Refresh? If you execute an Approval then (of course) you expect it to disappear after a...
View ArticleRe: dashed line solid on print
The release was indeed 11.5. But I saw something after experimenting with it for a few minutes. I used the designer to set the background color of the line to red, saved, closed and reopened and it...
View ArticleRe: App crashes with System.AccessViolationException when using .Net...
Basically this is an issue with client side application built on top of SAP .NET SDK version(14.0.3500.0) . If I can get download link for SAP BI 4.1 SP2 .NET SDK thn i can test my application with...
View ArticleDesigner question
This is common question but I am not sure. I have 2 tables in a CR. they are linked by part number. Now I have to add a 3rd table. It also has a part number. Do I link from the first table to the new...
View ArticleSetup group are decimals allowed
I am trying to add a setup group with decimals.I had tested this in our test system a year or so back and it worked OK and I created test setup groups with decimals in ROD4.5But now when trying...
View ArticleRe: Global Toolbar in FPM_OVP_COMPONENT is disabled in leave application
Reverted component configuration back and issue resolved.
View ArticleRe: system copy with oracle online backup without BR tools
HelloBRTools is an SAP provided tool for Oracle database administration for SAP systems running on Oracle database.To restore the database in the way you want by using tools provided by the backup...
View ArticleRe: Crystal Reports 2008 and Stored Procedure
If you find anything that helped, or not, please do let us know. - Ludek
View ArticleCrystal Reports Parameters for Checks?
Hello, I created a new Crystal Reports check template for B1 8.8 - the parameter is DocKey@ If I manually enter this number, it works. Applying the template in SAP is not not working. Can anyone tell...
View ArticleMove-out : Cancel disconnection documents
Hi Floks, I need help in " complete disconnection" documents. Is there a way to cancel the dis.connection documents with status "20" and Process variant " DUNN" during move-out. Please let me know....
View ArticleRe: customer last key date not updating from f.2b
Hi Tracy, I was looking into the problem on my system and here is what I found. This field is updated or used for calculating interest on account balances. It does not affect calculation for interest...
View ArticleProduct view period tab modification
Hi Guys,The product view (SAPAPO/RRP3) period tab is consolidated based on the Availability date of the elements, Is there any way to modify the period based on the custom date fields. Thanks in...
View Article#Error While formatting Date using todate function
Hi There, I am new to all these. I am trying to display invoice date with if function. which is =If([Country]="France";[Invoice Date];" ") and it is returning right value for me in the table. the date...
View ArticleRe: Afaria 7: iOS profile installation failed
Hi Loris I have the same issue, I try to enroll an iOS device i get "profile installation failed". Did you solved the problem? Regards
View ArticleRe: Add contactsubject without adding an contact with di api
As old as this thread is, I still think it might help some who Google it and find this post. I recently had this issue and solved it with the following (C#) code to define the subject....
View ArticleRe: Material Ledger relation to CKMLHD, CKMLPP, and CKMLCR tables
Hi..To check whether material ledger for a plant is activated, you can use CKMLV table as below picture.
View ArticleRe: How can I add the new subject to an activity type?
As old as this thread is, I still think it might help some who Google it and find this post. I recently had this issue and solved it with the following (C#) code to define the subject....
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