Ok, here are the things to check for the ABAP connection. Note that this all assumes you are not using SSL (https). If you are, there are some extra configuration steps:
- On the ADS Java server, in NetWeaver Administrator (NWA), via the path Configuration -> Security -> Identity Management, ensure you have created a user called ADSuser and set a password. Set Security Policy to Technical User, and assign the role SAP_ADSCALLER.
- On the ABAP server, in SM59, set up the RFC Connection with type HTTP, with target host to your ADS server (fully-qualified), and with your http port of the ADS server in the Service Number field (this is probably 50000 if you are using the defaults). The path prefix should be /AdobeDocumentServices/Config?style=rpc (case-sensitive). It's normal at this point to get a warning of "Query String Not Allowed." Switch to the Logon & Security tab. Set Logon Procedure to Basic Authentication, and put in the ADSuser user and password you configured in step 1. Save and test. It is normal to get a response of "405 Method Not Allowed" here. That indicates that communication is happening. If you get 404 or something else, then you have a basic communication problem (perhaps the password is wrong?).
- On the ABAP server, in SU01, create a user called ADS_AGENT with user type 'System' and the role SAP_BC_FPADS_ICF. Set a password for the user.
- On the ABAP server, in SICF, navigate to default_host -> sap -> bc and ensure that fp and fpads are both active. If not, activate them.
- Back to the ADS server, in NWA, go to Configuration -> Security -> Destinations, and create or check the destination FP_ICF_DATA_<ABAPSID> (where <ABAPSID> is the System ID of your ABAP system). Destination type is HTTP, the URL is http://<abaphost.domain.com>:<http_port> where <http_port> is perhaps 80, perhaps 8000, whatever the correct tcp port is for your ICM over http on the ABAP system. Leave System ID blank, but do fill in the appropriate client for your ABAP system. Leave language blank, leave "Ignore SSL Server Certificates" checked. Set Authentication to Basic (User ID and Password) and put in the ADS_AGENT user and password you created. Note that an unsuccessful ping is normal at this stage.
- Ok, time to test again. From the ABAP server, in SA38, run FP_TEST_00. If it still fails, besides the Note, another source of troubleshooting steps is at Checking ADS Configuration in an ABAP Environment - Adobe Document Services for Form Processing - SAP Library.
See how you get on with that. The issue is probably going to be a wrong password, wrong port, or inactive service.