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Informal Learning: More than monkey-see, monkey-do


I think it’s safe to say that informal learning has been around since before Neanderthals. It’s not unheard of among animals (here’s a video
of chimpanzees using informal learning), and should be considered a given whenever humans of different experience levels interact. So why is it now a topic of interest for businesses? And what exactly is informal learning?


For complex, important content, in a business setting, I believe that informal learning should occur after formal training as a means to adapt what you’ve recently learned to your specific job. Informal learning is not a structured method.  Rather, it results from people communicating and passing along what they believe are tried-and-true methods to adapt formal learning to their jobs.


It’s a valuable way to learn in certain circumstances, as you’ll see in the following example. Recently, my 18-year-old son and his friends decided to cook lasagna. I overheard them noisily looking through the kitchen cabinets for a lasagna pan to bake it in. They decided to use a glass pan as
opposed to an aluminum one. That’s when I decided to intervene. I explained that if they were going to use glass they would have to adjust the cooking time, because glass heats at a different rate than aluminum.


How did I know this? From years of cooking. I don’t really recall how I learned it; maybe it was after I had burned something. The important thing was that I helped them avoid a mistake and saved myself a trip to a local fast food joint to replace a burned dinner. That was an instance of informal
learning that made perfect sense in a particular environment.


My question is: How reliable is informal learning in a corporate environment? It has its place, but how much do we want to rely on it for decisions that will impact business outcomes which can in turn make or break the business? This brings me back to my original question about why this is a
topic of interest for businesses now. 


Communication is now easier and less expensive than ever. The spread of mobile devices, in particular, has exponentially increased the amount of information communicated across a global workforce, particularly younger workers. The "Internet Trends 2015" report from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers noted that 87% of millennials said their “smartphone never leaves my side,” while 80% said, "When I wake up, the first thing I do is reach for my smartphone."


We’re moving from an environment where, until recently, corporations forbid the use of social media in order to control their message to an
environment where absolutely everyone has access to social media. Uh oh! The pendulum has swung. Now how do we find a happy medium? I believe we should start planning for the challenges of informal learning and avoid the cost of too much reliance on it.


It’s one thing to ask your co-worker how to execute a function in Word or Outlook, but it’s quite another if an employee is posting informal information as online help. You simply don’t know whether or not the individual’s information is accurate. For example, it may well be a shortcut
that you want everyone to use or it may be a shortcut that seems to work, but it may eventually negatively affect other functionality. And, do you know who actually posted the information – are they reliable, accredited? How much access do you want any one individual to have to your online
help or training manuals?


You might ask: Do you want your corporation’s online help content to become another Wikipedia? Wikipedia is reviewed by the general population
and it’s believed that much of the information is accurate, but is it? Who’s policing it? How quickly does it get corrected? And are the corrections


So, where do we draw the line on informal learning? And, who draws it?


Yes, it can often be a time-saver to ask a colleague for help, rather than taking the time to access corporate Help files. But do you want employees to rely on informal learning to gain knowledge about new software or complex processes? Probably not.


Another significant issue is content management. Even if informal content is accurate, how do you manage its volume, plus updates? In
fact, how do you track informal updates?


Undoubtedly, it’s possible to manage informal learning content; but suddenly the informal must be formalized and systematized! This raises the specter of having to hire an additional employee to oversee the transition – not a preferred option in these budget-challenged times. As Clay
Shirky put it at a Web 2.0 Expo conference in NY a few years back, "It's not information overload. It's filter failure.”


If you’re going to recognize informal learning as part of a corporate-wide initiative, you have to understand how to curate it and evaluate
it. You’ll need to learn how to evaluate informal learning within your organization because people expect to be judged on their knowledge base, which also effects their performance appraisals, bonuses, and pay. That means you’ll need a formal assessment to appraise informal learning. A good starting point can be tying informal learning into the annual appraisal process. There, you can discuss how (and if) it is helping an employee meet his/her learning objectives and integrate it into their personal learning portfolio.


What’s the best way to start planning how your organization will manage informal learning? You need to begin now! First, your organization needs to enable informal collaboration by creating channels that stimulate conversation - blogs, employee networks, twitter feeds, etc. Then, you can begin to monitor what information is being shared, who's sharing it, and how it's being used. Once you've done that, you can promote success stories and measurable results in order to stimulate even more informal learning conversations and reward those using it.


As recommended in “Revolutionize Corporate Learning: Beyond Formal, Informal, Mobile, Social Dichotomies,” instead of managing and measuring "the amount of instruction provided through informal and formal means, socially or 'on your own,' mobile or desktop-based, education leaders should focus on ever-evolving topic distinctions and the useful ways people can access them."


If we were living during the times in which our Neanderthal ancestors hunted and gathered, rewards could have been as simple as a nice chewy piece of bison hide or a flint rock. The modern equivalent would be to reward social media contributors with “Like" buttons, virtual badges, and or a point system to unlock rewards, or even advanced training opportunities.


However, a more fruitful approach might be to develop an understanding of how people are using information gained through informal learning to create more targeted training that furthers careers and positively impacts the overall performance of the organization.



Re: Crystal Reports 2013 Crosstab Average Exclude Null Values or Insert Custom Calculation


Thank you for your response! Let me re-phrase my question in another way


How do I get a crosstab in Crystal Reports 2013 to exclude null values from a crosstab average?

For example

Procedure Name : OCT RETINA

Procedure Count : 8

Procedures with Completion Times Populated : 6

Summary of all 6 Completion Times : 101


I was expecting the average of the Completion Times to be calculated as 101/6. Instead, Crystal Reports is calculating the average as 101/8. It needs to be calculated as 101/6 (without counting null values in the denominator).

Adding another group is not an option because of the very specific way the values are sorted in the detail (hence a crosstab in a footer). The names of the procedures are dynamic so keeping a running total of each procedure's average completion time is not an option either.

Thanks in advance!!!!

Re: CBTA script partly manual (hybrid) execution is it possible ?


Hi Elena.

From my experience with dynamic user interface it is difficult to exactly determine perfect URI. sometimes the user interface has not been ready and you have to wait for all background processes to take place. after that you can see your element. If you try a syntax with parent tag > be careful how source code of application is written and do not miss any parent or child element on the way. you could also try using regular expression to find innerText or other parameter.

In SP5 I saw a helpful tools to determine proper URI and also some alternative approach to create and check URI.

let me know how it goes for you.

Re: How does Crystal Reports establish a connection to a SQL Server database when the ODBC Data Source is PeopleSoft PeopleTools?




I will look for the errors in our Knowledge Base, but I want to share with you some useful links:


PeopleSoft Integration Guide for CR 2008:



The same Information available for CR 2013, but it is mixed with Administration Guide:


It is 942 pages document where Firewall settings for PeopleSift you can find on page 186, PeopleSoft Authentication on page 299 and the rest of PeopleSoft Integration configuration on page 776


and in User Guide, page 611:



Some info for ODBC connection available here:



and some info how it works here:



finally to be aware about future changes read:

The Crystal Reports® Underground


Hope it helps,



Re: Script to rename a Job chain in redwood cronacle.


Hi carpenter,


I am not aware of the functionality of j tool which you have mentioned..


Could you please help me by elaborating it..



Thanks in advance.

Re: Script to rename a Job chain in redwood cronacle.


hi ravindranath ,


can Unix script be written in bash to rename the job chain in redwood cronacle..


If I am exporting the .car file of the job chain and somehow manage to change the name of the job then that change would not get reflected back as I am not importing the newly updated .car file..



Need some serious help.


Thanks in advance.

Re: DS 1.5 Unable to Add Data source using SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform mode


The entries to the message server were indeed missing in the services file.  It was not possible to edit the file directly.  Had to make a copy elsewhere, rename it and copy to  /etc.

Windows protection I guess....


Thanks Ingo



Re: setting "reply" text as default in ITSM ticket


Hi Prathap,



You can adjust access sequence in SPRO --> SAP Solution Manager Implementation Guide --> SAP Solution Manager --> Capabilities (optional) --> IT Service Management --> Text Determination Procedure --> Define Text Determination Procedure --> CRM_ORDERH --> ZMIN0001 or Text Determination Procedure you are using





Re: Why do people use 'according to me'?


I am save, 0 hits

But if others post "according to Jürgen" then I think I am allowed to use "according to me", right?

index advisor



can anyone please tell me how a secondary index can be deemed as effective?


i did trace for a user and the EXPLAIN shows:

6-12-2015 2-29-15 PM.jpg


Now after running index advisor and doing another EXPLAIN including the recommended secondary index, the new EXPLAIN shows:

6-12-2015 2-31-17 PM.jpg

Since the "Estimated Costs" (high-lighted in yellow) did not actually improve, this means that the recommended secondary index is not effective. Is my assumption correct? If not, how do I know if a secondary index is effective?


Thank you.

Re: Flash.ocx failed to unregister (Crystal dependent)


That is what I've been looking for - the full error...


As Don mentioned this is due to some missing dependency - may actually have nothing to do with  CR...


Best way to determine what dependency may be to use the Modules utility and compare what is loaded on a computer that works and on that does not work.


You can also try to manually register the OCX, see what error it throws and google that error.




- Ludek

Re: About Deal Finder and Influencer Map


Influencer Map - How does it work?


In the example below, Eric Stark has been identified as a key influencer for our target contact Paula.



To calculate the influencer score, we look at all opportunity and activities that Eric has been involved in with Paula, and calculated a weighted



In this case, we see that Eric has been involved with 3 deals where we won, 2 deals where we lost, and 1 deal which is still in process and 10
activities that they have been together in (Activities are emails, phone calls, appointments, visits).

We then calculate the weighted score which is 29.  This score is higher than all the other potential influencers of Paula, so we will ask Eric for help with this particular opportunity.

We also take end user feedback, so if Erick is moved from first position to last position then we store the user preference which will bring down the score as well.


Weighted score

Influencer Score = Σi=1..n (Si x Wi)




  1. No. of transactions


Score (S)



0 to 2






3 to 5






6 to 8













Weight (W) (Example)



User Preference






Won Opportunity






In Process Opportunity






Lost Opportunity






Activities (Email, Phone, Appointment, Visit)





Re: license expired




Logon to SAP using the user "SAP*" (the user ID is "SAP" followed by an asterisk).


You will be able to access the transaction SLICENSE in order to get the information you need and also to install the new license.


You can get the new license at the SAP Marketplace.




SAP WebGui Logon Error


We are getting this issue in EHP6 FOR ECC6.0 development system when we starting WebGui using URL:




After that we getting Logon window like this:



The all buttons are not active and no icons.

We republished the services, but it did not help.


dev_icf file contains:


<ErrorInfo URL="https://bayview.pointgrey.local:44300/sap/public/bc/ur/nw5/themes/sap_corbu/ls/ls_nn7.css">

<ErrorMessage>This function is not possible</ErrorMessage>



























<ErrorInfo URL="https://bayview.pointgrey.local:44300/sap/public/bc/ur/nw7/js/domainrelax.js">

<ErrorMessage>This function is not possible</ErrorMessage>



























<ErrorInfo URL="https://bayview.pointgrey.local:44300/sap/public/bc/ur/Login/assets/corbu/sap_logo.png">

<ErrorMessage>This function is not possible</ErrorMessage>


























<ErrorInfo URL="http://:/sap/public/icman">

<ErrorMessage>This function is not possible</ErrorMessage>



























<ErrorInfo URL="http://:/sap/public/icman">

<ErrorMessage>This function is not possible</ErrorMessage>



























<ErrorInfo URL="https://bayview.pointgrey.local:44300/sap/public/bc/ur/nw7/js/lightspeed.js">

<ErrorMessage>This function is not possible</ErrorMessage>



























<ErrorInfo URL="https://bayview.pointgrey.local:44300/sap/public/bc/ur/nw5/1x1.gif">

<ErrorMessage>This function is not possible</ErrorMessage>


























Re: Why do people use 'according to me'?


Hi Jelena:


Maybe the problem is that the English is not our native language and we improvise.


I prefer: "Per my understandig"




For me the annoying word are "Dear GURUS" or "Dear SIR" for the last one I imagine me like an English lord




Jose Antonio

Re: question about Agents on the fly and shared NAS mounts..


Billy - between hacking away at it on some test servers and your conversation points, (and reading/rereading/reinterpreting the wiki about 100x) I think I'm starting to see the light.  I'm going to work with our Unix guys to get a local mount for the host agent - that's point 1 without which nothing else works.  Should have done that a while ago - the corrupted host_profile files were getting to be a royal pita anyhow. Then get 1 SMD agent instance per host installed on our shared mount.  Each one will be installed from the appropriate host with a different instance number under the same SID, but this should fulfill the requirement of uniqueness of SMD/Host relationship.  The shared mount is always mounted to each host , not moved during failover, so this should work  as well.  The only time this would break would be if the NAS completely failed, in which case we're hosed anyhow. Once that's done I can start each host agent on each host and also the corresponding SMD agent and they should stay running.  Hopefully.  lol    Thanks! (and Roman too..  ;)  )

Re: MIRO Tax tab - Base amount not visible

Re: When will SAP realize that inconsistent behavior is a bug?


Yeah, what Lukas said. When pigs will soar over the frozen hell lakes.


I had a truly bizarre experience just last year. We received a sales order via IDoc from an EDI customer and by mistake they put the delivery date 3 years ahead. SAP "ate" that and posted the order, but when customer service went to correct the order in VA02 they could not make any changes whatsoever in it because they were getting hard error that date is not in the factory calendar. (We don't usually maintain calendars that far ahead, I believe it's not unusual.)


After a long deliberation (including, of course, the usual ping-pong) SAP stated that because Plant is not entered when placing order (of course, how the heck would EDI customer know what our plants are?) it's not possible to validate the date, so any valid date is accepted. But the plant actually gets assigned while saving the order (there is only one anyway) and when you go to change it you get a middle finger error message. For  weeks I've tried to appeal to some basic human sensibilities, but this was the response:


As I have explained in my previous reply, this is a standard system

behavior which is confirmed by our developer. SAP will not change

thsi design.


Interestingly, the order couldn't even be deleted so - and I'm kidding you not - I had to write a program to fix the date in the database. I wonder if anyone read that "positive closure survey" I wrote...

Re: To check the existence of node "EX operator not working"




There are two receivers -


First one does not use any condition -

Second one creates file based on existence of two nodes(CDS_DW_Variant_Stage and CDS_Prepack_Stage)


I am not sure what you meant by using two different Xpath. Should I use it in receiver determination


No Condition - Goes to first receiver

(/p1:ArticleMasterSAP/CDS_DW_Variant_Stage)  EX- goes to second Receiver

(/p1:ArticleMasterSAP/CDS_Prepack_Stage) EX - goes to second Receiver



Re: Display the shopping cart details via Monitor shopping cart without the user being mapped in organizational structure


Hi Konstantin,


Thanks for your help and sorry for the delay in updating this thread. We have gone with the best practice way where we have mapped the support team users in organizational structure.


Thanks for all your help.


Best Regards,


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