Yes. You would create something like the following formula:
If InStr(UpperCase({Defect.Short_Description}), 'ROLLOUT') > 0 then 'Rollout' else 'Non-Rollout'
Then create a group on this formula.
Yes. You would create something like the following formula:
If InStr(UpperCase({Defect.Short_Description}), 'ROLLOUT') > 0 then 'Rollout' else 'Non-Rollout'
Then create a group on this formula.
Thanks Adrian. In our case too, issue seems to be with the driver on the print server as SAPLPD does not show any errors. Few other printers I tested through SAP Sprint worked fine.
Hi Glen,
Create a formula with this code:
If instr({string field}, 'Rollout') > 0 then
'Non Rollout'
You can then insert a group off of this formula field via the Group Expert or the Insert Group option.
In KEY_FIGURES dimension you can create member like OR_OP as a parent of ORDERPO and OPENSUPPLY... and select it in the report...
I am not familiar with the initialization process. How/where do I set the calyear or a selection to limit the records per run? I seethe slections field in the header but can we limit that in an initialization? I thought initialization must be all (initialization with Data transfer) or nothing (Initialization without data Transfer).
Thanks Yves!
Installation went ok..well part of it..
When install the AS JAVA decided to share the AS ABAP database, and somewhere in the process the ABAP instance got disconnect because the user SAPSR3 disappeared from the database and a new SAPSDBR3 (the AS JAVA schema owner) showed up.
And, believe because of this, the AS JAVA J2EE server didn't start so the installation didn't finish.
Couldn't find a note or alike regarding this.
So, have to redo the AS JAVA but don't want to crash the AS ABAP..
The installation option I'm using regards the SAP Business Suite 7i 2013 SR2 - EHP7 for ERP6 JAVA
Do you have any advise on this? Should go with two databases? Wouldn't like to have a second oracle_home.
Thanks and Best Regards,
I've been fighting with this too. When I copy between documents, I often get the same error as the OP.
What seems to happen is that WebI creates a new query, but isn't able to populate it - if you check the queries, you'll see that you have a blank query that can't be edited (just delete).
What appears to work is to copy the DocumentName() across. This appears and the query is created correctly.
I'm on 4.1 SP5.
Hi Preet ,
After you added the parameter .
Did you restart SAP [ Also All sapstartsrv process needs to be restarted ]
Better do a server restart
Also can you post the output of
/usr/sap/SM1/DVEBMGS02/exe/sapcontrol -nr 2 -host sapsm1 -user sm1adm <passwordd> -function Start -debug and post the output
Thanks ,
Here is the APPLET text:
<object name="xyz" codebase="/XMII/Classes" code="iGrid" archive=""
width="100%" height="100%">
<param name="QueryTemplate" value="<XacuteQuery>">
<param name="DisplayTemplate" value="<Grid>">
<param name="Trace" value="true">
<param name="Param.1" value="0">
<param name="Param.2" value="05-29-2015 07:00:00">
Sikindar and Sankarsan have given you 2 options.
A third one would be to generate an Information WT (sometimes referrred to as a "Dummy WT") through Time Evaluation, transfer it to Payroll through table ZL, and create the appropriate pcr so that it end up in RT with the information required for the Remuneration Statement.
Hi Divyesh,
CR will do that by default, change the orientation based on numbers.
You can set it back by clicking on the Portrait check box and then typing in the 16 by 12 numbers again.
It's just the logic in CR Designer when first defining a User Defined paper size it orients the page to what is typical orientation.
what`s the platform? tomcat, abap was, portal?
Hi Prasad,
There is a known issue with the BIWS on BI 4.1 SP4 where the queries fail when we trigger multiple BIWS at the same time.
You can upgrade to BI 4.1 SP5 Patch 3 which has a lot of issues with the BIWSes resolved.
You can find further details on the issues with te BIWS in the SAP note 2114577 - Dashboard is randomly not complete when consuming multiple different "Document As A Web Service" web services.
I'm creating an input form and can't figure out if there is any way to filter out certain dimension members based on their relationship to another member. My input form consists of Project, Account, Expense type in Rows and Time in columns. Each account only has several expense types that are relevant to it and therefore should not display all the possible expense types in the hierarchy. I know I can enter specific values and keep/exclude others, but as soon as I refresh with another project number, I get all the possible values in Expense Type again.
What I have:
Project Account Expense Type April 2015
300000 6500010 10
300000 6500010 20
300000 6500010 30
300000 6500010 40
300000 6500020 10
300000 6500020 20
300000 6500020 30
300000 6500020 40
What I want:
Project Account Expense Type April 2015
300000 6500010 10
300000 6500010 20
300000 6500020 30
300000 6500020 40
I created a custom HANA-R component per the user guide SLR example (using the script copied and pasted from the user guide). When I follow the instructions and enable visualizations and summary output, I get this error:
Execution of R script failed.;Error in png(filename = "tempPA.png", width = 1000, height = 1000, type = "cairo") :
X11 is not available
This is the code I'm running (straight out of the user guide, without comments):
finalString<-paste(paste(DependentColumn,"~" ), IndepenentColumn);
result<-predict(slr_model, InputDataFrame);
output<- cbind(InputDataFrame, result);
return (list(slrmodel=slr_model,out=output))
SLRModelScoring<-function (MInputDataFrame, MIndependentColumn, Model)
predicted<-predict (Model, data.frame(MInputDataFrame [,MIndependentColumn]), level=0.95);
When I disable "Show visualizations", the custom R component runs properly.
Obviously the code does not reference the "cairo" package, and I'm not sure why this is getting called in?
Is there a list anywhere of required packages for HANA-R integration? I used to have one, but perhaps it is outdated. I checked both the Expert Analytics and HANA-R integration user guides and did not find a specific list of packages either place, just "install the required packages".
The error message says I am using version 1.24.0
One of the customer is asking is to stop the Manual activity of changing the project status to " Go-live" for Normal Change import into PRD.
He says if my Testing is successful in QAS then Import Job should automatically import the TR into PRD but as per standard Procedure we have to set the status to " Go -live".
Is there a way to disable this project status Check so that only those NC's which has status Successfully Tested be automatically imported into PRD.
Sorry Cassius, I'm having problems understanding the requirement. Can you perhaps jot down a step by step use scenario?
- Ludek
Thank you Chris,
Actually we are migrating from JAVA iView to ABAP iView, so could you please let me know the Portal configuration with respect to the Dynpro ABAP model.
We are good with the UWL Configurations.
try this please View over CKIS KEKO and MBEW
you mentioned that you have "moved" the indexes using BRTOOLS. I doubt as the error indicate a porblem with the technical settings and BRSPACE takes care of that.
But I will not enter on that,I really think moving indexes to other tablespace does not solve any perfomance issue unless there is a deeper problem on the I/O subsystem.
Craig Armstead wrote:
Hi All,
We were having some performance problems on our 10G database and so our Oracle DBA asked me to create a new tablespace I named it PSAPSR3INDEX and rebuild a single tables indexes into it after he'd analysed the ADDM report. So I have done this using BRTOOLS.
What kind of performance problem did you had that required moving the indexes?
is it corrected afterwards?
also, is it correct, your DB is 10GB?