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Re: Issues and Suggestions regarding syntax highlighting


Hello Jason Lax,


Do you have any update in this issue?

I was writing a blog post today with a code snipped and it was quite painful to get it right without proper code highlighting.


This is taking quite a long time! almost one year and a half already...

Besides, the idea description is "Apply Fixed Width Font to Code Snippets in RTE", it also needs to include syntax highlighting in ABAP! (It is SAP! the main programming language is ABAP here!)


Best Regards,


How to create view in SAP Information Steward 4.2 ?




I want to create a view in SAP Information Steward 4.2 based on the following SQL:


select * from CUS_MSTR where CUS_CIF_NBR not in (select CUS_CIF_NBR from EXCLU_CUS where RULE_ID = 'RULE01')


I find that the SAP IS 4.2 does not support lookup functions in view filter. So please tell me how to create this view.



Re: Print Datawindow to PDF file without using GhostScript



is it true that composite dw is not wotking with FOP?

relation of PP production order prints with wm


We have moved all the wm relevant config to the test system from development except assignment of warehouse number to plant and storage location as we have plan to use wm  2 weeks after importing config. So 2 week afer ter we will move linking of warehouse to plant an storage location.


Now issue is that prints which were coming on release of production order and confirmation of production order were stopped. I want to know whether this issue has any linking to wm config which I have trnasported withoust assignment of warehouse to plant and storage location.

Re: R3trans finished (0012)




What about with telnet <server name> 4901 .Please share the results .



Re: How to get System ID in jsp

Slotting - storage section indicator


Hello Experts,


I think i have configured all the required settings for slotting , but when i execute(/SCWM/SLOT) it , only showing Putaway/Stock removal indicator.

Not showing planned storage section indicator and storage bin types for some reason which i couldn't find it. Please suggest me on this what i am missing.


Thank you in advance.


Re: Error in SUM Credentials: Unable to connect to SAPControl service


Hi Julian,


Have you set the parameter service\protectedwebmethods=DEFAULT in all the profiles of SAP system?


In all the profiles means , it will include the start , instance and default profile for all the instance name

(SCS , ASCS , DVEBMGS00 , JC , J<xx> ) then you have to maintain the parameter in all the instance,start profile.


If the above parameter does not wok , then repeat the same steps with the below parameter




With Regards

Ashutosh Chaturvedi

Re: Error in calculated column if condition in analytical view


Hi Guyz,


Solved. Following is the syntax




(("PSTYV" = 'ZMTS'),"NETWR" * 5,"NETWR")  








PS: Hi Venkat....I got the solution before you posted. Thanks for your help. Assigned points. :-)


Message was edited by: Sri BW




Many consultant/business user go for directly using of transaction code MR11 but do not understand what it is intended for!

One should know downsides of MR11 including Purpose, How Does it Work, and Results associated. A better approach to correcting differences between GR and IR as following (you can use one of the following approaches instead of MR11).

If goods receipt posted as incorrect document:-
1. Reverse the invoice document created.

2. Go for allowing the incorrect goods receipt to be reversed.
3. Now again post the correct goods receipt.
4. Repost the invoice document.

If the invoice posted as incorrect document:-
1. Reverse the invoice document 
2. Repost again the invoice with the correct values/quantities.


NOTE: The transaction code: MR11 is used for clearing the GR/IR balances where GR/IR account can be reconciled during month-end or year-end process. It posts a journal entry of debiting the GR/IR account and credits the corresponding accounts which have the opposite entry. Basically MR11 reverses the accounting entries that created the GR/IR balances.



Biju K

Re: Failed web service calls in C4C 1505


Hello Tommy Lee,


Not yet. I have responded to the incident with my test payloads, timestamp etc. and awaiting response. Please let us know in case you receive any positive response from SAP.


- Netrey

How to block blank value of a field in message mapping in SAP pi 7.3 (Soap to RFC)


Please suggest how I can block a blank value coming in a field in message mappng in pi (soap to rfc scenario)

Re: web intelligence report missing data but visible in export and preview


just try to apply following solution:

Apply  =ReportFilterSummary() function.


If it returns information about any report filters then that report will contain some hidden condition.

so check it and then you will come to know whether because of some coditions you are not able to see the data in your report because with the same query but on another report you can see the data.

Re: Failed web service calls in C4C 1505



This is being fixed in a hot fix due out on June 3.   Once your tenant is updated with the hot fix, synchronous messages can be monitored in the Web service Monitor.    The date could vary a bit based on your schedule - but it should be there within a few days of June 3.




How to Transfer Stock Quantity from SNP to Demand as Time Series KF


Dear All,

I need to Transfer the Unrestricted Stock Quantity (stock Type CC)  from SNP to Demand Planning as a time series KF

what type of KF to be defined in Demand Planning and what is the process,

I tried the Trx.  /SAPAPO/LCOUT Release to demand planning but it does not work.

Thanks for Help

Re: KOFAX and SAP invoice issue


Hello Summet,


I am a DMS consultant, very new to Kofax- SAP integration.

Please help me with some documents, what has to be done in SAP, how it can be integrated with KOFAX scanner, any connector to be bought, is it free, where to get them ?


Pls. support....




Re: Stock on Customer

Re: How to access contents of a file with extension *.txt.pgp ?


Decryption with public key makes no sense as anyone having your public key can decrypt your message.


Encryption is always done by the sender of the message with the public key of receiver.

Decryption is always done by the receiver with the receivers private key.


Adding a signature to a message is always done by the sender with the senders private key.

Verification of the signature is always done by the receiver with the message senders public key.

Re: How use di api functions in Business One Server Studio


Hi Atillia


Pedro is correct, if you expand the SAPBusinessOneSdk reference you see the ui and di api


I know how to use them just not sure how you initialise the di api.


Just to be clear I am using the B1 studio addin for Visual Studio 2013


I am using B1 for Hana V9.1 PL05


Thanks for your help


Regards Andy

Re: Issue while creating purchase Info Record through BDC


Hi Malvi,


As per my experience there can be two issues.Check them both-

1. Either your BDC recording is not correct. Take the recording and run a session via SM36 with correct data and see whether the PIR is getting created successfully or not.

2. There may be some types of PIR where field NETPR is not required and is non-editable but in your BDC code you are not considering this condition and trying to pass the data everytime.


Another thing which you can do is to run the BDC in foreground mode and see behavior.



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