the link is not valid anymore, no pdf file available..
Re: Dependent dropdown list does not work as expected
Hi Andrea,
I have asked you to modify changes as like below,
Instead of this way,
CALL METHOD lr_ddlb->set_selection_table
it_selection_table = it_ddlb.
Append INITIAL LINE to it_ddlb.
sort it_ddlb by key.
Add the like this
Append INITIAL LINE to it_ddlb.
sort it_ddlb by key.
CALL METHOD lr_ddlb->set_selection_table
it_selection_table = it_ddlb.
Re: Start SLA when Support Team is assigned
Hi Maxim,
Please check:
1913133 - SLA configuration hints for SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Another possibility is configuring the Service Level Agreement, see details in SDN blog:
Service Desk: SLA configuration hints
Re: Realized conversion differences account is not defined [Message 3821-37]
you need to define the realized conversion difference account in GL Account determination , you must be doing the payments in foreign currency that's why it is asking you.
go to general tab in GL determination window and define the "Realized Conversion Diff. Gain and Loss"
Re: clarification on internal cost through activity costing
Hi Prasad,
How are you planning to pay the labour, based on the hours he spend on the order or the payroll.
There are fixed pays which runs HR payroll, for these information you need to consult your HR consultant.
On your query, XYZ cost is just a planning done against cost center / activity rate, so this is not duplicating at all.
ABC is the cost spend on the equipment for labor hours. When is settled to Equipment and inturn it will be rooted to FI GL with respect to the cost centre in the equipment.
Re: LSMW Purchase Order History with New General Ledger
Hi Jürgen,
thanks für the reply. I tried to do the GR und IR manually and it worked. The system derives the new G/L segments by the profit center.
What I also did was to enrich the profit center manually in the debugger in program RM06EEI1 before the function module AC_DOCUMENT_DIRECT_INPUT (parameter t_bbseg) is called. That worked.
Do you know of any user exits in this area? I guess we have to copy the progam and do the enhancements by ourselfs.
Best regards
Tax code IS for GST MY
Dear expert,
Malaysia goods and services tax (GST) with a scenario "Import with approved trader scheme" which means company do not need to pay GST during custom clearance. However, we would like to have tax amount calculated. Any suggestion?
Re: How to set default selection on pie chart when page loads?
Your selected data array is incorrect, it should be
var selectionPoint = { data: {"Days": "31-45 Days", "Payments Due":"95"} };
See working example here - JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging</title> <link rel="alternate" type="application/jso…
Re: How to save crystal report under new folder created in SAP.
TV version 10
User ID: 483 358 939
pwd: 6660
Unable to cancel the billing document which is having fixed value date 9.4.2201
Hi Gents,
Out issue is as.
SO> OBD> Invoice.
In OBD system piked up/wrongly user entered loading date 09.04.2201.
Invoice has been created billing date 29.04.2015, But fixed value date in header picked the loading date 09.04.2201.
To correct the date, trying to cancel the billing document to create another new document, but system not allowing,
attached the ERROR.
Internal Error; in: Orginal invoice in diff month,
Message no CL001.
waiting for your support.
attached the ERROR.
Re: select query the same variable different table problem
It is what I wrote above. I guess some people either don't read earlier answers or are hoping to get a "helpful answer" award.
Re: Dropping all views from a schema
Hi Prakaash,
the following Db2 CLP command will retrieve all views for a given <schema> e.g. SAPSIDSHD .
db2 " select viewschema, viewname from SYSCAT.VIEWS WHERE VIEWSCHEMA = '<schema>' "
You can extend this to retrieve all DB2 CLP DROP VIEW commands.
db2 " select 'db2 '' DROP VIEW ' || RTRIM(viewschema) || '.' || x'22' || RTRIM(viewname) || x'22' || ' ''' from SYSCAT.VIEWS WHERE VIEWSCHEMA = '<schema>' "
If this works on UNIX you can simply pipe the output to a shell.
db2 " select 'db2 '' DROP VIEW ' || RTRIM(viewschema) || '.' || x'22' || RTRIM(viewname) || x'22' || ' ''' from SYSCAT.VIEWS WHERE VIEWSCHEMA = '<schema>' " | sh
Re: Prerequisites check phase fails while installing SOLMAN 7.1 SP13 on windows server 2012 R2
From the link which you shared
You must restart the computer after you apply this hotfix.
Hope this will help you.
Re: delivery address number in PO
In my case address number is getting updated with old storage location address number.
Re: Object Links : SAP transaction
Thank you very much Ravi!
i have done what you said and I reached the correct URL.
my problem now is that I cannot logon automatically in my system:
I received this screen
which parameters I can set in the Alias Web Server to logon automatically in the system?
thank you very much for your appreciated help.
Maria Grazia
Re: How to set continuous public holidays quickly ?
Hello Feg,
This is how you have to create the public holiday one after other, and in holiday calendar you can have the Valid From Valid To years for these public holidays.
However, you can create the special rule in Factory calender Valid From Valid To days as Holiday directly without creating public holidays.
Best Regards,
Re: select query the same variable different table problem
Precisely. I was waiting for that kind of answer! I wonder who will be first with "never use more than 3 inner joins" - another popular myth.
Re: how to generate Fixed assets listing using Query generator?
Please try below query
SELECT T0.ItemCode, T0.ItemName
, case T0.AsstStatus
when 'A' then 'Active'
when 'N' then 'New'
when 'I' then 'Inactive'
Else 'Others' end [Asset Status]
, T0.AssetClass, T0.AssetGroup, T0.DeprGroup
, T0.InventryNo, T0.AssetSerNo
, T1.Location, T0.CapDate
Left Outer JOIN OLCT T1 ON T0.Location = T1.Code
WHERE T0.ItemType ='F'
Message was edited by: Unnikrishnan Balan
Export datasource across systems
I have data in system A (infoprovider xxx) which is the productive system.
Can I use an export data source so that the data can be used in/exported to another (test) system?
...or can it just be used within the same system.
Thanks a lot for any hint here.
Re: Exchange rate issue
Could you please guide where we can enhance, which program we need to enhancement.
@ Ansh Kaushik - You can take clearing date as your invoice transaction date (exchange rate). doing this system will take exch rate fluctuation as deference between Payment and invoice.