Hi all,
Pls help me in finding out the standard datasource for the tables EKKO VBRK VBRP KONV VTTK VFKK VFKP ekpo tables.
Hi all,
Pls help me in finding out the standard datasource for the tables EKKO VBRK VBRP KONV VTTK VFKK VFKP ekpo tables.
Hello Tamas
Thanks for your reply.
But in our case the default class assignment for PIV is class type 56.
What I was looking for was how technically I can find the relation between
PIV, class type , class, charactertistic and its value.
Can you please help me out, I am not aware of this.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Bill,
If your field is a datetime then it will need to be converted to date and the date range needs to be in Crystal Date format like:
ToDate ({OINV.DocDate}) in [Date (2014, 1, 1) to Date (2015, 12, 31)];
Hello Kaushik,
1. Can you please post the exact command syntax you are using ?
2. Please ensure you are providing the root certificate of your SSL Certificate with the "-r" switch.
i am also facing the same issue. /IWCNT/RT_USER_REP and /IWCNT/RT_USER_WF are not listed in the template list. Please help if you have resolved the issue.
best regards,
Krishna Prasad
Its working now, the problem was we had to explictly add the custom property names under HeaderDetail which was not the case with workflowtask and HeaderItemDetail, after we added the properties and regenerated the implementation, we are able to see the data under HeaderDetail
Thanks for the help.
You can't in the version you're on. I think 4.1 SP6 (or 4.2) allows this feature. It's one of the SAP Ideas that was approved a month or two ago.
Madhukar and Verono,
From support perspective, there are two KBAs released to answer these errors:
1. Get meter Periodic registers.. ReadClientMeterPeriodicRegistersSteplet - Server error - please contact your administrator "
KBA # 2167789 - Error: Get Meter Periodic Registers-ReadClientMeterPeriodicRegistersSteplet Server error - please contact your administrator (13) - SAP Meter Management 2.0 (http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/2167789)
2. KBA # 2168222 - GetMeterPeriodicRegistersSteplet - No valid assignment type defined Server error - please contact your administrator (13) - SAP Work Manager (http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/2168222) .
Hope this helps,
Mark Pe
SAP Senior Support Engineer
Dear Alex,
The production order start date and finish date will consider based on your scheduling type (Either backward / Forward) as well as your in process time in the material master
same way scheduling dates will consider based on your Schedule margin key(Opening period, Float before production, Float after production, release period) from the material master so please check for these thing any thing got missed up
same way in routing please check any reduction time / maximum has been defined or not
Hi Chandan,
CGPL_TEXT is the table where PPM Objects description gets saved.
I completly agree with Can Vill.
Just to add - SAP issues a release notes whenever there is a new SP with the list of all the new features.
You you just need navigate and expand the SP that you are interested in -
for 7.31 -
when we select the Users by Complex Selection Criteria in suim tcode
for any transaction Code like su01 or FK04 etc.
In header we are not getting description for transaction code in
selection criteria . please check attached screen shot for reference
please check and suggest ASAP what need to be done to enable the same
as require for audit prospective .
Thanks in advance !
Last post was long ago, but maybe my input will help some searchers in the future: We were facing the same issue on a TST system. In SM21 there were messages "Operating system call getaddrinfo failed (error no. 0 )".
By diving down into the corresponding DWP #9 at the specific time there were more details: "***LOG Q0I=> NiPGetHostByName: '<HOSTNAME>_off_<USERNAME>' not found: getaddrinfo [ninti.c 897]"
Solution: At some point we were checking the SM59 and there we found some ABAP-RFCs that were manually manipulated. Deleting them or respectively renaming them fixed the issue.
Hi Experts,
How should select the range through combo box.
For example: jan feb march apr may jun jul aug
10 20 30 40 50 60 55 23
32 32 23 43 22 23 43 56
12 31 13 13 31 11 12 12
here If i select the starting range and end range I want data between the range
start range: feb
end range : jul
expected output:
feb march apr may jun jul
10 20 30 40 50 60
32 32 23 43 22 23
12 31 13 13 31 11
1) How do we transport the BPC environments in web console from one system to the another?
To transport BPC environment you need follow standard transport mechanism i.e. from BI side
Go through the below link
2) Do we need to transport all the BPC environments?
Transport only required environment.
3) When they create profiles in BPC web console, it automatically generates roles in SAP. If we transport the BPC environment, will it automatically transport the roles also?
If you transport all objects of environment that time all the security profiles will be transported.
You have selective transport option, whatever required, select it and transport it.
4) We have CUA in our landscape. Is it possible to assign the roles/teams/profiles from SAP instead of doing it from web console?
Technically it possible but not recommended.
Refer below link.
I tried to load a Java sample project "persistence-with-jdbc" and get an error "Target runtime Java EE 6 Web Profile is not defined".
I already checked in Eclipse the location of the SDK (which was wrong), corrected it and started Eclipse again - but without effect.
Where is the Java EE6 Web profile defined in Eclipse? (I am using Luna Rev. 4.4.2 and latest versions of HANA Cloud Platform tools and Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers).
Need some info on Customer Master Agreements and its usage. TIA
Hi Jainer
You have to check the consistence in transaction code SP12. if any error check with application guys and then take the action.