"Every time that Livecache is started the report SLCA_LCK_SYNCHOWNERS is executed."
- If you start the liveCache using LCA connection, for example - in LC10 transaction, and set this report as post-processing report in the Start liveCache section for LCA connection, then this report will run.
The actions of this report also included in the function of /SAPAPO/OM_DELETE_OLD_SIMSESS report:
954261 Function of program /SAPAPO/OM_DELETE_OLD_SIMSESS
which scheduled to run every 30min < recommended>, and the old locks from the lock server will be deleted in 30min or less after the liveCache will be restarted.
"Starting the livecache with the different start options (LC10, report RSLVCSTART, from O.S level) this report is always executed?"
A. Review the document "Starting liveCache" at SAP MaxDB: The SAP Database - Documentation
- Starting liveCache - Database Administration in CCMS: SAP MaxDB - SAP Library
B. "As of SAP NetWeaver 720, STARTRFC is no longer included in the RFC SDK. For more information, see SAP Note 1581595
. You can therefore no longer use STARTRFC to call these function modules."
Function Module for Starting/Stopping/Initializing - Database Administration in CCMS: SAP MaxDB - SAP Library
Regards, Natalia Khlopina