Re: sap cloud for sales appointment attach
Re: Slow loading SAP B1/Batchmaster
From the error, a noticeable event is: Connection is busy with results for another command.
It is mostly network resource related.
standard out sorting function modules for billing and invoicing
What are the standard out-sorting function modules for billing and invoicing fitch data from FKKVKP table.
Please let me know ASAP.
Re: KKRS doesn´t summarize one plant - No objects were summarized
Dear Leandro,
Have you actived the Summarized checkbox in OKTO?
Also, please check if attached note 185752 helps.
Best regards,
Re: sap cloud for sales appointment attach
Hi Pushkar,
I have a similar problem than Juan Carlos.
In my situation, I am able to add the attachment to the task or appoinment (as you show in your screenshot), but when I go back to display the activity it does not show.
Any ideas?
Re: Tax Jurisdiction derivation in MDG BP
Am assuming that the configuration u r referring to is to be done in the ECC of the MDG system and not as a enhancement in MDG.
If that is correct .. then when a user enters the address via MDG then the tax jurisdiction code is automatically updated on the MDG UI in real time . Ya ?
Message was edited by: Vinay Pawate
Re: How to uninstall SMP3.0 SP6
This would uninstall the Whole SMP3.0.
Is there any way to rollback install of SP6 to SP5 at application level?
We could perhaps use some OS level tools to revert to the older snapshot of VMware before the upgrade to SP6, but just wondering if that is the best practice?
Re: Problem use PROMPTPROMPT(COPYMOVE, [variable], [second variable]) in Data Manager
It should normally work.
Based on what you typed above you did not have VERSION in the DM Package PROMPT. Also in the script logic code the X is missing from *XDIM_MEM...
Try the below code:
DM Package code:
<Don't forget to call the right script logic file in here>
Script logic code:
Please refer to online help
1, OR is german name for TA in ECC. So in standard, TA in CRM is the same as OR in ECC.
2, If you create a z transaction type, for example ZTA, you need to create ZTA in VOV8 in ECC as well. In another word, you need to have the same process type in both CRM and ECC. There is mapping of process type, unlike the partner function. So you do not have to maintain any mapping table.
How do I develop in the HANA Developer edition
So I have an instance of the HANA Developer edition running on AWS, I am linked to this from my eclipse studio, but how do I start to create artifacts? I login as CODEJAMMER as per the instructions but then what? Do I have sole access in my instance as CODEJAMMER and code away happily as that user?
I have been looking for something along the lines of "create your first view in HANA Developer Edition" type tutorials but can find nothing.
Ross Goodman
Re: SNP Planned Order Date
If you double click on the order in product view /RRP3 does it show the activities associated with the planned order? What are all the dates it shows?
Re: Authorization inside Payroll Driver
Check with your security profile consultant, if the profile for such users can include the payroll transaction code with specific values for company code (comp code should be in the transaction's selection input).
Re: MRP: Question on Delivery date vs. Release date
I would suggest you read the SAP Library documentation on scheduling.
Scheduling - Consumption-Based Planning (MM-CBP) - SAP Library
The process is to calculate the delivery date using forward scheduling and then calculate the release date based on the calculated delivery date with no consideration is given to the start date of the forward scheduling.
I've raised a query about a similar issue with SAP in the past and was told that the MRP results were correct.
Re: FileUploader and X-CSRF-Token?
Hi Prabaharan,
I believe you need to make call at the end of your custom handler to perform the next step after you've read the tokens and set them in the http header.
Re: How to link to Fiori Demo Apps in the cloud?
Hi Kiran,
Thanks for the reply.
We'd like the users to be able to go straight to the paystub example app from our corporate site, via a url link.
You see the users have had bad experiences with SAP and hate navigating/clicking and so making them go to the launchpad first, and asking them to then navigate form there, will just put them off.
If we can get them to go to the paystub example, play with it, like it, then we can start introducing them to more example apps and the Fiori launchpad.
Any further help is appreciated.
Re: Using Time Transfer 2012 to reduce manual quota
In the case of quota type with no generation,
a)pcr from function P2012 can update the abs quota as below:
HRS*-1 ... hrs from IT 2012 x -1. If necessary, you can manipulate the hrs as required.
UPDTQxx - xx is abs quota type
b)abs quota type is not affected by QUOTA function.
Re: Monthly cash flow generation in REFX
Hi Manish,
as you already mention: Condition to be created quarterly but cash flow generation will be monthly.
you will need just to create the condition every quarter. And maintain the condition frequency with 1 month.
Re: Log settings drop down disabled in SAP Maangement Cockpit
I would go ahead and open an OSS ticket on it. If this is affecting more customers it may increase the priority to get it addressed.
I have skipped over SMP 2.3 so cannot comment on if it works one way or the other.
Do WTs 1APF and /190 exist in the Input Table to pcr ZPF1 ?
Do these 2 WTs share the exact same splits?
Try Venkatesh's suggestion, but if both WTs do exist in the Input Table, try
* ****
ADDWT * (return the WT to the Input Table)
* /190
ADDWT * (return the WT to the Input Table)
ADDWT&/190 (Transfer the values of the WT to temporary variable /190)
* 1APF
AMT=& /190 (replace the Amount of WT 1APF by the amount of the temporary variable /190)
AMT%KZPPFV (multiply the Amount by the Constant from V_T511K)
ADDWT * (return the WT to the Input Table)
so that WT /190 would not "disappear" from the Input Table.
Re: Exception condition "INVALID_POS" raised
Hello Timothy,
I am dealing with the same issue as I reply to your query using a workaround we got from SAP.
In addition to what Raghu has added, I want to share that apart from stuck outbound queue in ECC, we also see consistent periodic ABAP dumps in SRM for program SAPLBBP_PDH_NOTIFY_FOLLOWON.
When I do a search in the ST22 ABAP dump in SRM system, I can find the PO number under the "Chosen Variable" section under the ABAP Developer view.
When I display the SRM PO in BBP_PD transaction, I see that field BE_LOG_SYSTEM - Table BBP_PDBEH is blank and does not have the ECC system value.
Executing function module BBP_PD_PO_TRANSFER_EXEC by entering SRM PO Header GUID not only updates the missing value in following fields in table BBP_PDBEH
but also starts to clear the stuck out bound queue in ECC.
I am still not sure about the root cause but I know that the problem is because the BE_LOG_SYSTEM field value in SRM table BBP_PDBEH is not updated.