Re: Portfolio Hierarchy Creation
Hello, You can upload using RPM_DX_BUCKET transaction, after create buckets using file you need to execute report /RPM/PLAN_INT_PREP Regards
View ArticleRe: SAPUI5 iView does not work?
My expectation of this iView would have been that a system is optional as some applications will not require system connectivity. And the URL would not be absolute for running web apps already deployed...
View ArticleRe: Meter Read Overflow handling
Are you sure it is an overflow issue and not a multiplier or bad data in the file (additional digit for the read which caused sap to show a ridiculous consumption) issue? Also what was the interval...
View ArticleRe: Issue in smartform
Hi Nikita, In your example,Width of line type L3 = 7cmTotal table width = 2cm (value in 'Width' to left of 'Table Painter' button) Suppose you are defining 2 columns of 1cm each, you will be...
View ArticleRe: Error when saving report to BW
Hi, Check if you have enough access to save crystal reports in to the role created?.Check BW configuration for BW Publisher using Crystal\rptadmin. Thanks,Jothi
View ArticleRe: HELP: SAP Script Fatal Error
Hello Sid, there are a few parameters on the application server to control SAP GUI Scripting: sapgui/user_scripting must be TRUE to use scripting functions - in your case it is...
View ArticleRe: Using CE_JOIN with two join fields?
Hi Benedict, Can you please post your complete code and also the table structures. I'll try to create the tables and procedure on my system. Regards, Ravi
View ArticleRe: How to break a huge payload into smaller chunks
Hi Ram, Apart from the message mapping split suggested by Mika, if you provide details of the scenario like the source system/message (file, proxy), you can get more suggestions. For example, if file,...
View ArticleRe: Download files from SolMan
Hi Abdul, Firstly, I would recommend you to open a new thread as this one is 3 years old and to keep the content organized. It can be confuse to find this kind of content later on if it is mixed with...
View ArticleRe: Using CE_JOIN with two join fields?
Hi Ravi,Thanks for the efforts you are taking. I am using the SFLIGHT tables. Here's my code: CREATE PROCEDURE SFLIGHT_PROCEDURE_CE_W3U3 ( in AIRPORT_CODE nVARCHAR(3), out AIRPORT_LOC tt_AIRPORT_LOC...
View ArticleRe: How to break a huge payload into smaller chunks
Thanks Ambrish for the response. It is regular XML file sent via SOAP adapter (Both target and source use SOAP Adapters). Hope I answered your question.
View ArticleProcess Definition of Rule-Based Workflow - Change Request
Hello, I am trying to walk through the configuration step "Process Definition of Rule-Based Workflow". I can select the type of change request, but when I press the Start button the system asks me to...
View ArticleRe: file to mail
Greg already replied correctly. Unless you want to send the mail to same receiver(SMTP server) but multiple recipients. PS: My first name is Ambrish
View ArticleRe: Relationship between useful life & unit of production method
Hi Shanid MP, go to tx AFAMP change the items to "06" Value, save the changes, and go to tx. AFAR use for recalculate the depreciation values, then use tx.AFAB for posting the depreciation. Best Regards
View ArticleRe: Purchase Order without Pricing conditions in Item level
Hi KD, Please check and share screenshot if you're still facing the issue.
View ArticleRe: Failed to Connect to LinkedIn, please try again...
Hi Peter, It looks the encoding of the URL could be a problem: 20 Jun 2013 13:43:05 WARN org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector - Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {oauth=OAuth...
View ArticleRe: ADS - SSL configuration ABAP
Tony, For ABAP only ECC also, In SMICM, HTTPS is not active. I am using sapcryptolib for ABAP. Is it also because of Java cryptographic tool kit in CRM? Pls advise. Thanks,Kavitha
View Articlepassing summary info to header
Good Day To All,Is it possible to share a variable from the report footer to the report header? I have 3 running total {#Letter_Req_DEC}{#Letter_Req_REQ}{#LetterReq_Other} My total is a formula like so...
View ArticleRe: Connection Wizzard with load balancer
Hi Fabian If you have attached any files here they are not visible. The first question would be what is the error you are gettinng in the BPC Connection Wizard?Second - are you able to run the...
View ArticleRe: Schedule Crystal Reports
I purchased third party software for the company. Visual Cut is available from It allows scheduling of crystal reports to create reports that can be emailed. It also includes...
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