Good Day To All,
Is it possible to share a variable from the report footer to the report header?
I have 3 running total
My total is a formula like so
TotalLetterReg = {#Letter_Req_DEC} + {#Letter_Req_REQ} + {#LetterReq_Other}
Running totals work fine. Formula Works Fine.
User wants the summary information on top of the report.
So I created a variable, it in my report footer
shared numbervar TotalLetterReq;
TotalLetterReq := 0;
TotalLetterReq := TotalLetterReq + {#Letter_Req_DEC} + {#Letter_Req_REQ} + {#LetterReq_Other};
thenI put the variable in my report header
shared numbervar TotalLetterReq;
But my variable in the report header has a zero
But my variable in the report footer has the correct number of 48.
David Martinez