Re: Runtime error for select statment in COEP table
Point 3 was included just for completeness sake (it doesn't make much sense to use a field list, INTO CORRESPONDING and a target structure that contains just the selected fields). The main point was to...
View ArticleRe: Company Address in Invoice
Could you please provide me a screenshot? I cant access my system now.
View ArticleRe: Invoice Cancellation Problem
Hi Venkat, If you look at your first screenshots, system says " Please consider all orders for the PO number". Can you check why that message is coming there and also what type of Invoice you are...
View ArticleRe: Front Office Process Customization
Hi Manish, Ok what i know is after defining the step, you need to add the respective BOR object method (binding) for the step in the front office process. Define the importing & exp parameters...
View ArticleRe: executing procedure from powerscript in a loop does not work properly
One thing I would say that may have nothing to do with your problem is there isn't a need to execute your proc using the execute immediate syntax. You could just hang it off your transaction object and...
View ArticleChoose From List Issue
Hello every one, I am working in SAP Business One studio fo Microsoft Visual Studio. I created a form and in that I have an editText , a linked button and choose from list on edit text. I have...
View ArticleRe: How to create Dynamic ALV List
Hi, Please find the below link. You can get more examples for this. http://www.****************/Tutorials/ALV/DynamicALV/Index.htm Regards,Gourav
View ArticleRe: How to create Dynamic ALV List
Hiii, Also please have a glance at this link. It will clear all your issue regarding ALV....
View ArticleRe: how do get driver programs for scripts ???
Hi,Following is the procedure: 1. Goto to the Table TNAPR using SE112. Get the Contents of the Table(CNTRLSHIFTF10)3. On the Table Content Selection Screen, Type the SAPScript Name for which we have...
View ArticleRe: Problem with Bex Query Prompt
Hi Matthew. You cannot pick up values from the excel sheet and use them as filters/prompts for BEx queries. It HAS to be via query binding and as Mark points out below, everything needs to be set to...
View ArticleRe: payment term and price
hi, every body have good sap depth and had good answers but for this case, TW suggested best answer, you will have number of doccuments for different business processes and same time you will have...
View ArticleWebi Section issue
Hi,Did you used Userresponse() to display hierarchy prompt in report? can you post a screen shot of prompt values and section ?. Thanks,Jothi
View ArticleRe: Table Tree with Webdynpro ABAP
Hi Chandan, The cookbook will solve all your problems this cook book you can find All the UIBB example. -Manish
View ArticleRe: Sales Return PGR FI entry must be same as PGI FI entry
Hi, As per standard, there will be no accounting document generated in case of returnsYou can check in PGR, there will be only material document and no accounting since the return stock always posted...
View ArticleRe: Application crash down while viewing crystal report in SAP b1
This issue happens just in this report or other more reports? You have PL04, but which SAP B1 version? If you have in 8.81, then I recommend to upgrade to latest PL of SAP B1 8.82 as minimum. Also, if...
View ArticleImplementing Forum for SAP Portal NW 7.01
Dear experts. I am working wint SAP Portal NW 7.01. I found that the forum is part of an Addon. My question is Anyone know the path where I found download this Addon? I need Integration forums into...
View ArticleRe: rfcs not connecting to sap
Have you configured internal ip address on your saprouter server in addition to public ip? You need to change public ip address of your saprouter server to internal ip adddress in target host.
View ArticleRe: Getting error/warning while extending Table space
Hi John, Just continue with it and check whether it is able to create the new control file or not. If you get error , regarding the permission to create a new control file , Then you need to check the...
View ArticleRe: doubt in universe
It depends on how many display attributes each of the characteristic has.Your CID characteristic has more display attributes than the others, that is why you get more objects under the characteristic...
View Articleposting to stock transfer price variance account
I have stock transfer intracompany stock transfer transfer. Freight in the po is 10 posting is done as below at the time of goods issue goods issuing plant bsx 100- Goods receiving plant bsx 110...
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