Dear experts.
I am working wint SAP Portal NW 7.01. I found that the forum is part of an Addon. My question is Anyone know the path where I found download this Addon?
I need Integration forums into collaboration rooms, and for this I found the following document.
I found this:
How can I get the forums?
Forums are technically not part of a SAP NetWeaver stack: when you deploy SP Stack 20 or SP Stack 12/13, forums are not included automatically. Forums are delivered in two SCA files (Forum SCA and KMCUI Layer SCA) which must be downloaded from Service Marketplace (alias swdc: Download -> Support Packages and Patches -> Entry by Application Group -> SAP NetWeaver -> SAP NETWEAVER -> SAP NETWEAVER 04/2004s -> Entry by Component -> Enterprise Portal).
Thanks in advance.