PGI Error "Material must be represented in UoM of Box"
Hi, Seems to be its a hazardous material. Please check your WM view for your material and see if any unit of issue is maintained. y looking at your message, seems to be its Z message, there could be an...
View ArticleRe: Instance not start
Hi Juan,you need to make sure that the x_server and the globallistener are started. Run the following command as administrator and let me know the ouput- Comand: "sdbregview -l" Run the dbmcli commands...
View ArticleRe: Stock transfer Horizon during Push deployment
Hi Yogesh, As mentioned earlier, heuristics can only consider the stock transfer horizon. By default, the heuristics planning engine will use the stock transfer horizon defined at destination...
View ArticleRe: MAX DB data restore on newly installed system
Hi Mahipal, Could you share dbm.prt log file details. Regards,Deepak Kori
View ArticleRe: Backup statergy for Sybase
Hi Uday, Sybase additionally provides the Sybase Control Center (SCC), an application-agnostic, centralized monitoring and administration tool.. It also covers other Sybase products like Sybase IQ or...
View ArticleRe: Uploading Time Data in Negative Time
Hi, if we want to keep the leave for the leave encashment like that then we can upload the absence also.why we need time evaluation if it is a negative time management. is there any time component...
View ArticleRe: disp+work not able to start after MAXDB Dbrefresh
hi Deepak, I have done the same but no use disp+work is stopped *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc = -10757 (XUSER error (the USERKEY is unknown)) [dbsdbsql.cpp 115]C Try to connect...
View ArticleRe: not to combine invoice when payer is same but ship to party is different
Hi Geetha, I agree with Santosh. You can achieve by having customized routine at VTFL. Regards, Sai Krishna.
View ArticleRe: Problem in message mapping...soap to rfc
Hi Imran, The deleted rfc is locked by user tmuhammad first delete the lock from Integration Builder->Administration-> Repository->Lock Overview ->select the locked object and remove the...
View Article7.31 Theme Editor: Change color of pressed enabled button
Hello experts! SAP NW 7.31 As you know, you can change the portal and WebTemplate Layout via Theme Editor in SAP NW Portal. "Simple Elementes" -> "Buttons" in Theme Editor, you can find the...
View ArticleRe: Solution Manager Java stack deleted
What version of Solution Manager? Can you view configuration with ConfigTool utility?
View ArticleRe: Ship to Party in order Processing
Hi Santosh, The requirement from Sachin is system shouldn't allow user to change the SH once DO is created. If they control at partner determination level then if user wants to change at sales order...
View ArticleRe: How to get period wise sold to party transactions from Payer
Sai Krishna Sabniveesu wrote: Hi Ravi, Are you sure we can get SH, PY, BP details from VAKPA table ? Regards, Sai Krishna.Please try and check whether it is working or not. Since this table is for...
View ArticleRe: Ship to Party in order Processing
Hi Venu, Have you checked this? Regards, Sai Krishna.
View ArticleRe: download a file
Hi, If you want to download a file without a pop up you cannot do it using file download or attach_file_to_response. It can be done using ACF Updownload UI element. Go through the following tutorial...
View ArticleNotes at the Item level is not getting Copied
Hi All, When a quotation is copied by clicking on the "Copy" button, the new quotation has all the Notes copied at the header level. But all the Notes maintained at the Item level dosent get copied....
View ArticleRe: DVD necessary for heterogeneous migration ECC 6.04 Solaris -> Linux
Hello Deepack, As your list is general, could you please tell me which DVDs in you listis necessary on the source system to run the R3Load export on Solaris Sparc? Thanks in advance for your answer.
View ArticleRe: Issue with Read_Text FM
Hi Amit,I checked the transaction SE37 & header data, its same as while debugging. Screenshots are attached but still not getting the data in abap program. regardsSumit
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