Re: SPO based on Infocube - not able to assign DTP template
DTP Template can be assinged only if the source is "Data source".
View ArticleIncreasing inventory level
Hi, I have a problem with SAP APO and increasing inventory levels. I would appreciate your help in this issue. The forecast accuracy for our products is very good and we don't have any issues in the...
View ArticleRe: Not able to display shopping baskets....not able to access punchout catalogs
Hello, This is probably related to IE settings.Read and apply changes recommended in note 1511147 and retest the scenario. Regards,Ricardo
View ArticleJava for SAP
Dear SAP people, I am new in SAP and I will be taking some SAP modules (SAP Certifications). I have noticed that Java is a good skill for some jobs. So, my question is: What Java Certification or...
View ArticleRe: Redshift - does it work?
Not sure why Ludek said no but According to Amazon's website it should connect via ODBC so CR should work for you. If it doesn't work though, SAP Hana would be the solution and about the same thing:...
View ArticleRe: MIRO condition Type
Post the MIRO in 2 steps: 1) Give your PO reference MIRO and capture the invoice of the import vendor normally. 2) Give your PO reference again in MIRO. Change the line item amount to '0'. Now go to...
View ArticleRe: Batch with restricted status not allowed to consumed in Process...
Hello Prashant, You can achieve this by standard config. You need to check your checking rule for your process order and then check the scope of check. Make sure that your scope of check does not allow...
View ArticleRe: Web Service connection Error in SMP3.0
Hi Anil, Please clarify few points: 1. As you have mentioned that you are getting this error in smp3.0, are you working on MBO toolkit separately?2.are you able to run the WS URL in a browser?...
View ArticleRe: Why GN_INVOICE_CREATE has no performance improvement even in HANA landscape?
Naseem checking the quite good and meanwhile extensive documentation on will pretty quickly tell you two things:1. there is no direct ABAP processing within SAP...
View Articleinbound delivery & inspection lot
Hi gurus,inspection lot is created when the inbound delivery is saved (HU management is active, so HU are created in the inbound). 2 question:- if i delete the inbound, it is possible to automatically...
View ArticleRe: BF en documentos destino.
Estimado JulioHe consultado un par de cosas en SAP y me doy cuenta que Ud. tiene amplio conocimiento de ello. Por favor me puede ayudar, ¿Cómo puedo revisar la hora de creación de un documento?. El...
View ArticleRe: Database replication definition and primary keys
Now then, remember, the question was relating to ASE 12.5. ASE 12.5 didn't *bother* forwarding pkey information (neither did ASE's 15.0 and 15.5 btw) to RS - so RS didn't have a CLUE about what...
View ArticleRe: Problems Getting External Id of LocalizedObjectReference.
the part of the script that is retrieving the phase is the following: contracts = doc.getContractDocuments();if(contracts.size() > 0){ mainContract = contracts.get(0); phase =...
View ArticleRe: Inventory Counting - Multiple Counters DI-API Error
Hi, What's your PL? multiple counters via DI API isn't supported on 9.0 so far. Best
View ArticleRe: How to Pass WDA event value to BBP_ITEM_CHECK_BADI
There is one option in the BADI call the class /SAPSRM/CL_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT and there is a static method /SAPSRM/IF_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT~GET_INSTANCE in this class to pass reference.Call the method...
View ArticleRe: Schedule Report Settings
Hi, Check regards
View ArticleRe: Problem exporting OCR A Extended font from to PDF file
Hi Jamie, this is a bit of a guess but I think crystal reports server. It is linked to our data. I think it is hosted by CR so I don't think we have a way to install a font on their...
View ArticleRe: GRC 10 Add on installation -Access control node missing in IMG SPRO
Hi Luciana GRC does not have a stand alone box and is installed together with ECC The Install guides recommend not to do this however cost wise it happens. Does SAP have any article/wiki/document that...
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