Integration between benefits and the payslip
Request information on -Integration between benefits and the US payroll
View Articleinspection lot creation after receipt of certain quantities?
Gurus,My user requires the creation of an inspection lot of 1 piece after the receipt of 200 pcs in stock as a kind of audit. This is not a goods receipt feom production as it will be done for each...
View ArticleService items price from a Contract not adopted while PO creation
Hi Gurus, I am trying to create a Service PO adopting the details from a Contract and its Service Lines. Those Service line items are with Service Masters. But when adopting the service masters, system...
View ArticleRe: Consulta Articulos pendientes por recibir
Hola Ernesto Gtz me sirbio tu consulta, me gustaria agragar algunos campos como importe de la cantidad pendiente, nombre del comprador o titular. ojala sea posible salu2
View ArticleRe: BI Source system already exist
Hi Alex, In table RSSOURSYSTEM I have a different system source sysid assigned to 2 ECC systems.I am trying to add source system UG1CLNT200 , but when i click on create and provide details it says t...
View ArticleRe: Oinv vs Inv1
tengo 2 decimales en cantidades y 4 decimales en importes cantidad * precio 20 * 1.77 = 35.4035.40 *6.96246.38 eso me da en la inv1 en la oinv me da 246.40 ahi esta la diferencia
View ArticleSap mm
Hello EVERYONE I am new in SAP and i want to do SAP MM please guide me ?? Thanks,
View ArticleRe: Need Help on Mapping Logic
Hello,Try this: 1) E1MBXYI Execution type: all values of a contextInput: var1 String initial = "";for(int i=0;i<var1.length;i++){if(!var1[i].equals(initial)){result.addValue(var1[i]);initial =...
View ArticleRe: Service items price from a Contract not adopted while PO creation
Please list all things you have tried otherwise you just get the same suggestions that already exist in other discussions., which is a waste of time for you and your contributors
View ArticleRe: to make description field editable
Hello, I have been working on a similar scenario recently.It is possible to have the product description changed during shopping cart creation, but after ordering, shopping cart description would...
View ArticleRe: Oinv vs Inv1
Saludos, Creo que su inconveniente esta en la multiplicacion con la tasa de cambio. El flujo que he podido confirmar de SAP es: (precio unitario * tasa de cambio) * numero de unidades, todo esto sin...
View ArticleRe: CR 2008 on Server 2008 R2 vs Windows Server 2003
Can you attach the original report and the exported report here? (pls don't zip them up) Just rename them to .txt and then attached via the "Use advanced editor" link. - Ludek
View ArticleRe: Can´t choose client role "Development" in scc4
It should show up as 'Customizing'. What release of NetWeaver are you using? Also, are you sure you supplied a non-production license in SLICENSE? Regards,Matt
View ArticleRe: CMC: rights settings
You can not prevent anyone from running a report if they have access to the category and the report is added to the category. You set security on the category to give people access to a category, but...
View ArticleRe: How to read the source code of class method
An easy way to get all of the code from an SAP class into one screen for simple cut and past or download is to: 1) retrieve the class in transaction SE242) click on the Source Code-Based button The...
View ArticleRe: Partial confirmatons in transaction MDVP
Hello Caetano, Thanks for your prompt and accurate assistance Regards Arnulfo Cordero Pradel
View ArticleRe: How to export class source code
An easy way to get all of a class's code into one screen for simple cut and past or download is to: 1) retrieve the class in transaction SE242) click on the Source Code-Based button The code will now...
View ArticleRe: How to download source code from the class builder SE24
An easy way to get all of a class's code into one screen for simple cut and past or download is to: 1) retrieve the class in transaction SE242) click on the Source Code-Based button The code will now...
View ArticleBAPI to create delivery without item
Hi Experts Need a BAPI that can create a delivery without order reference without any delivery items tried using BAPI - BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATENOREF but that needs item details business intent - need...
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