Re: can´t install saprouter as services on windows 2008 R2
Hi Senol, thank you for the hint, did that but the service is not starting it´s giving me the error from the screenshot i posted on the previous message, please check. Best regards,Nelson Chamba
View ArticleRe: can´t install saprouter as services on windows 2008 R2
Hi Pavlovoc, Thank you for the hint, the error was exactly that , run as administrator But now I have something different, the service is not starting, can you please check my screenshot to see what´s...
View ArticleRe: ERP Interface stopped or failed unexpectedly - RFC...
Hi Samer, I think this could be the issue because of several reasons, one of the issue is in Dev and Q system, buffer is not checked. Whereas in production , call is done with buffer. Here it calls...
View ArticleRe: can´t install saprouter as services on windows 2008 R2
Hi Pavlovic, Here is the output of dev_rout ---------------------------------------------------trc file: "dev_rout", trc level: 1, release: "720"--------------------------------------------------- Mon...
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Hi, I need some advice on restricting the target system access. Currently my GRC 10 is connected to 3 different ERM systems. We have 3 different support group users and would like to restrict them to...
View ArticleRe: Cutom Business document tab's name changed after SP upgrade
Just an update. Today I have followed same procedure in our production system, which I have described in my previous message. But this time it didn't work in our production system. I request to help.
View ArticleRe: NF-e 10 - Automação da entrada de CT-e
Oi Igor Por favor não esqueça de fechar a thread. GratoEduardo Chagas
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Hi Experts, While doing AUC settlement through T.Code: AIBU we are getting below error. May I know what could be reason suddenly throwing this error. We are using the SAP from last 10 years...
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Hello Jayanti/All I am completely new to this payroll, could you please provide me more information on this from your expertise and experiences
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Hi Jens, For this requirement you will have to implement inlinecount to the entity set contacts on the odata side. The Contact Entity Type must also have ContactsCount field to which you...
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Hi GeethaCreate a new pricing procedure for returns sales order and set pricing type as B in copy control between original sales order and returns sales order. You can give a credit to the customer via...
View ArticleRe: Standard Report Creation Wizard - usage with custom templates?
Hi Pat, In my opinion, the Standard Report Wizard does not have that level of sophistication where it automatically matches up by 'field name'. As a best practice, try using the 'Template Field...
Hi, Enter key dont have a sy-ucomm value. You want to manually set the ENTER Key sy-ucomm value.In PFSTATUS set enter key valus as shown below. Save it and activate it. I think this may help...
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Hi Sydney morley, Transfer the values from one asset to another using ABUMN and then retire the asset from which you have transferred the values, using ABAVN.By this way only one of the two asset will...
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Hi, Please check your standared we template in Tcode RSCUSTV27.Open web template in WAD and check. Regards,Ganesh Bothe
View ArticleRe: around interface
Rorie,CIF_IMAX is a synthesis of the data found in the various CIF_I* tables. If you have any question as to whether the contents of this table are right or wrong, just regenerate it using report...
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Hi,I could find the below changes ISB1_BSK IS-B: Basis, kritisch SAP 10.09.2003 Piece List ModifiableISB_BSK_03 IS-B:...
View ArticleRe: Problemas na execução da interface "BATCH"
Maria, boa noite. Verificar se as notas abaixo se aplicam no ambiente PI: 1849533 XI runtime: synchronous acknowledgments II1857701 XI runtime: Synchronous acknowledgements III Att., André Canalles
View ArticleRe: Create Delivery any time before requested delivery date.
Hi, It wont be work. Thanks,Naren
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