Designing payslip in adobe form using HRFORMS and enabling it in ESS
Hi, I am designing payslip in adobe forms using transaction HRFORMS by copying standard payslip into custom. I have now my form and form interface into cusotm and I want to enable the payslip generated...
View ArticleRe: Which is good module combination with SAP EAM-PM ?
Hello Inderjeet, I agree with Jogesware: QM & PP are common combination and ABAP skills are always added value. I find it interesting to have BI knowledge as well (Query Designer, etc.) for...
View ArticleRe: Billing document: new determination of currency conversion for only one...
Hi Friend, Not sure this will work or not but once try and confirm this BAPI : BAPI_CURRENCY_CONV_TO_EXTERNAL. Hope this will help you in some what. Regards,Kundan
View ArticleRe: Comparing periods
I though about this while posting my last reply.. but thought you will figure it out You will need to convert 6/30/13 (which is a string) to a date like =ToDate( "06/30/2013"; "MM/dd/yyyy") try...
View ArticleRe: How to view all documents sent to vendor in PO?
Hi, Go to ME22N and open the PO. Go to messages and add the same message type again and save. Go to ME9F and take the printout. It will include all the documents. Regards,AKPT
View ArticleRe: How to display in FB01 the field LOKKT - Alternative reconciliation account
Hi, The field LOKKT is Alternative Account Number in Company Code. It isn't reconciliation and can be filled in FS00. Please follow below steps: 1 - enter FSS0 and flag Rec alt acc. 2 - Got to Field...
View ArticleRe: Database is not available via R3trans - Cannot START SAP !!
HI Kindly refer the SAP Note 1640751 - IGS Error: Could not open the ICU common library1574751 - Linux: version `GLIBC_2.7' not found RegardsSS
View Articlehow to complete an excel file (with formulae, formatting an variables) with...
problem:1. an excel file (statistik_master.xls) with formulae and formatting, as well as variables (e.g., $$$-001, $$$-002...) which should be complete from SAP was constructed in MS excel.2. Excel...
View ArticleRe: How to position (center) a checkbox within a tableview
Roland, the good thing about BSP is that you have the UI appearance (HTML, CSS, JS) under your control: I would suggest to use CSS in this case. Try to assign the style "text-align:center" to the set...
View ArticleRe: How to view all documents sent to vendor in PO?
Hi, Get the form assigned to the output type frm NACE. Now you have to get help from your abaper and modify the terms and conditions in the form. Regards,AKPT
View ArticleRe: Lumira Cloud: Email already registered
In general, this is about a user has multiple accounts associated to the same email address. (e.g. a user could register at service market place and another SAP site/app in which user registration are...
View ArticleRe: Error while inserting records in database
Hi Vasant, Check if the stored procedure is created as per the standard structure. Check if the values created...
View ArticleRe: Question on setting up a new bank.
We have not tried that. However, I know the accountant thought about it. If we have to do this, is there way to do a mass change for all vendors at the same time?
View ArticleAñadir el usuario que genere el reporte de crystal report en SAP BO
Buenas tardes Compañeros, Les agradezco que me colaboren si es posible añadir el usuario activo de sap bo en un reporte de crystal report al momento de generar un reporte en el sistema. gracias.
View ArticleSlow running CRM_DNO_MONITOR report
Hi, I'm having users complaining about crm_dno_monitor report running slow first thing in the morning. After they've run it once they response time is ok, but it takes 2-3 minutes to run first thing in...
View ArticleRe: Whether, can we update Reference (BKPF-XBLNR) and Assignment (BSEG-ZUONR)...
Hi Ajeesh, Program RFCHKU00 executed in tcode FCHU is using FM (function module) DOCUMENT_CHANGE to do the changes in fields Reference (BPKF-XBLNR), Assignment (BSEG-ZUONR) and Reference3 (BSEG-XREF3)....
View ArticleRe: A list showing all BPs with NO activity
Hi, Try: SELECT T1.SlpName, T0.CardCode as 'BP Code', T0.CardName, T0.CntctPrsnFROM OCRD T0 INNER JOIN OSLP T1 ON T0.SlpCode = T1.SlpCodeWHERE T0.CardType = 'C'andT0.CardCode NOT IN (SELECT distinct...
View ArticleRe: Error in transport for transformation & start routine
Hi Abdulla, What i feel is that there is look up in the start routine and the look up is on a DSO.Can yu check if that DSO (Look up) is avaliable in QA.The Look DSO needs to be transported first that...
View ArticleRe: Posting of Goods Issue after Billing
Hi MoazzaM, I was read your case and I am interested in your point, what is the business model which has a bill before GI. where I work first we create a delivery after the GI and finally the bill....
View ArticleRe: Data Retraction From BPC10 nw to ECC system
Hi Manoj I have not worked on it but refer below threads JAck
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