While adding the UI services for SC, getting error 'ICF node for service xxx...
Hi, While adding the UI services for SC, getting error 'ICF node for service xxx not created'. please help. Thanks.
View ArticleCan you import SAP Transactions (AR Inv) using excel VBA bypassing DTW?
I'm looking to create a batch of transactions that would come from excel and go directly into the SAP AR Invoices as 'draft' invoices. I would like to bypass DTW and skip a step if I could. I've seen...
View ArticleRe: 'lti' USER sessions filling all available connections into RepServer
"Unfortunately, the accumulated and 'pending Sessions' in RepServer never disappear !!!We did not find mention of that in 'Ebf' released, so we will open a Case at Sybase." The repserver should not be...
View ArticleRe: Webi Report Performance Issues
Hi All, The issues is resolved from BW side now able to see the the prompts box. It got resolved by changing the infoobject->Provider Specific Properties->M Values in Master Data, i have done...
View ArticleRe: BEx Query - No Applicable Data found
You say when you created in QAS it works properly. Does this mean, you have transported the first screen shot(query) to QAS? If yes, then re-transport the same query from Dev to QAS. Then, your query...
View ArticleRe: last package
Hi Amine, There is existing discussion, pls check on it. http://scn.sap.com/message/14291986 Thanks
View ArticleRe: Problem using the .NET DataProvider
Hi Jeff, Thanks for a quick reply. Which version of .NET Data Provider work with Sql Anywhere tried copying the required files to the folder where exe is located, but did not work. I...
View ArticleRe: Add F4 help for AFNAM in ME51N
I opened a purchase requisition in my system using ME53N, navigated to item level tab 'Contact Person' to see AFNAM field 'Requisitioner'.F1 help suggests the related structure as MEREQ3328-AFNAM.So I...
View ArticleRe: MESYS on ME Netweaver
Hi Ulrike, Normally, it is SAPMEINTCTC who configures MESYS. So, if you have executed the CTC task, then you can find the list of assigned roles in Details section of SAPMEINT Standard Interfaces CTC...
View ArticleRe: Ayuda con DOCKEY@ en Crystal Reports
Que tal Fernando, quieres decir que no podria crear el Layout de Saldo de cuenta? con los layouts de Documentos no he tenido problema, como son Factura o Pedidos, pero debe de haber alguna manera de...
View ArticleRe: Best Practice for Org Structure
Luke is spot on. Furthermore, this ties nicely into things like MSS where "standard" evaluation paths look for this kind of relationship to determine (1) direct reports (ie. all other employees in the...
View ArticleRe: DTW for SAP Budget OBGT
Para SAP 9 estou tendo o mesmo problema porem a solução não da certo..
View ArticleRe: Document posting issue
Hi,They might have used substitution/enhancement to change the posting period once you choose the posting date as 26 of every month. And also there might be some authorization group assigned in...
View ArticleRe: Reg: Request numbers not displayed in Own Requests
Hi Chityala, If you check the standard process you will see that the system uses the function module 'TRINT_ORDER_CHOICE' instead of 'TR_REQUEST_CHOICE', (at least for ABAP 7.02) as you can see below,...
View ArticleRe: Error assigning sales document to sales area
Hi please Create the Sales Area With the Combination 1001 Sales Organisation 01 Distribution Channel and 00 Division Sunil
View ArticleRe: Oracle DataGuard - Cofiguration
Hi Vimal, I have found that you have not configured the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 parameter. Also the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 should be enabled for the Standby database to become active.The standby control file...
View ArticleAdd-on Assembly Kit Software Component
Hi, I have to transport my objects into other server by using transaction SSDC(Add-on Assembly Kit). I have created delivery component and reconfiguration(create request selection). I need include...
View ArticleGet Tenant ID from Code
Is there any BO or way to get a systems Tenant ID(MY******) in code or their SAP Customer number.. Reason being when integrating with an external webservice we would like to Know/Pass this...
View ArticleOnline bidders in auction
Hi everyone I'm building a custom report in SRM 7.02 and I'd like to know how to retrieve which bidders were connected (online) in an auction.Is there any standard FM? Is it stored in any table?Is it...
View ArticleRe: SAP Hana Local Runtime start error
Just to say I get the identical error message. Hope anybody can help. Thanks, Luigi.
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