I have to transport my objects into other server by using transaction SSDC(Add-on Assembly Kit). I have created delivery component and reconfiguration(create request selection).
I need include change requests in the Change Piece List. Before including the delivery requests, we need to flag them for the delivery. when i click on the ‘Flag Delivery Request’ icon, one pop-up will display. In that, I just passing date range. If i try try to execute, it thrown message like "No request found".
I have given a date range for last year. still it throwing error same.
Please suggest me
1. which date I have to pass?.
2. Which TP I need to add?.
This is very emergency work. please suggest me ASAP.
I have attached error screen. In this screen, When i trying to flag below pop up screen will display. If i pass any date range it throw error message "No request found".
Jayaprakash N.