Thanks Siva. Nothing else to do on this cold/rainy afternoon here.
Yes, Sales History is definitely one of the ways to create CVCs in APO-DP. It doesn't not cover all the CVC requirements. You require some alternative to create CVCs ahead of time before Material actually start selling. After all you want to start forecasting/planning beforehand, so you need CVCs.
#1. Regarding simplification of CVC creation process.
CVCs can be created based on the file being uploaded by the user. I had implemented this in following manner in the past.
1. This was done by creating the program which will upload (predefined formatted and tab delimited) file into Application Server(AL11).
2. While uploading file, individuals records from the file were validated against the Master data(Info objects - /BIC/PXXX tables) in APO and also against the /sapapo/v_matloc table.
Erroneous or invalid records were written into the log file and was shown on the screen. Only valid records used to be uploaded in a file on application server.
3. Then batch job used to run to pickup the file either it will upload it into the Infocube OR another option use the uploaded file in MC62 variant and create the CVCs using FILE from application server.
4. If Infocube option, then CVC will be created based on infocube by running standard /SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_MAINTAIN program.
5. Once CVCs are generated, the run /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_PLOB_DELTA_SYNC to do Adjust Time Series.
I believe this is much simpler approach, less development effort and also it leverages standard inherent SAP features.
#2 Selection profile update can be developed based on Z program referring/updating these tables /SAPAPO/TS_SELKO and /SAPAPO/TS_SELPO.
Hope this will help.
Thank you
Satish Waghmare