Re: Approve Shopping Carts - Item detail view changes system alias call
Re: check writeability of buffers finished with return code 0
Hi Dunja,
First of all, you need to make sure no space issues in file system and DB tablespace.
If there is no space issue, please check the KBA 1887295 and see whether it can help.
Best regards,
Hi Experts,
I am trying to update the Sales Order Number throguh BAPI BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST with out passing Sales order Line items thorgh Extension1 structure. So the BAPI is giving error as enter Line item.
But my requirement is to post the Document at Sales order level. So is it possible to Post the Document by just passing the Sales order number with out line items.
Re: Check after phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/XPRAS_TRANS were negative!
<bodHi Iqbal,
Hope you have checked the box "INIT" the phase.
If that doesn't work, you can also accept the non-sever error and go ahead.
Sharma y></body>
Re: Wage Type Reflecting in RT But not gettig displayed in Payslip
Please share your RT values and also share your rules ZN42, ZN43 & ZN44 and one more thing I would like to ask you in PE51 windows tab you have assigned PType: EC, CType: R but generally it should be "NUMERIC". Please confirm have you created PType and Ctypes your own in PE51.
Venkat Polisetty
BOBJ/BI is needed for SAP GRC?
Hi All,
Our organization has a roadmap to implement SAP GRC on HANA very soon and I had some doubt on Business Object (BOBJ) and Business Intellence (BI) is required for SAP GRC i.e. upon reading master guide on SAP Risk Management they said BI is optional (below)
My doubts are:
1. What is the use of BI in SAP GRC? purely for reporting/dashboard analysis?
2. is it mandatory to implement BI while implementing GRC? if not, then what is the added value by implementing BI versus just a plain GRC implementation.
Note: as of now we are looking at all the 5 areas of SAP GRC (Access Control, Audit Management, Fraud Management, Risk Management and Process Control)
Thank you,
Re: Check after phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/XPRAS_TRANS were negative!
Hi Sharma,
Yes. I have checked "INIT'" box and accept the non-sever error,
but still same error comes.
Fadzly Iqbal
Re: Capture Bank details to REGUH for F110 auto payment run
Hi K R,
I know about LFBK table which stores vendor bank details.
But I cannot fetch the data from LFBK table bcz, vendor bank details are able to change even after F110 payment run.
Understand that table REGUH stores the data of vendor bank account number that's used during F110 run.
If I am not wrong this data will only capture, if I activate ‘Required master record specification -> Bank details’ for that particular payment method.
If I activate ‘Required master record specification -> Bank details’ and there is no bank details in LFBK for the same vendor, F110 will result in error.
In my requirement, the vendors I am using for F110 with payment method ‘X’ may or may not have bank details. I want to capture bank details for those who have it.
Re: Balance reduced after generation in pt60
It will be helpful for us if you add more information. Even screen image is missing.
By the way, if you are running time evaluation for quota generation or RPTQTA00, you should run up to end of year i.e. 31.12.2015. It will correct the issue.
Re: Live office提示 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例
Live Office的版本和BI的版本完全一致吗?其他客户端Live Office也有同样问题吗?
Re: Possible to set a default Reason for Release
Re: GB Payroll
I think it is very stable thing in SAP GB Payroll. Create a case in development and raise an OSS to SAP. They will investigate and tell you where are wrong. There are some constants involved in calculation. I do not have system at this moment to check.
Re: How To change Planner Group Automatically once Notification Open in Edit Mode
I don't see plannergroup as a property on the Notification object in the out of the box WM 6.2. Did you add it as a configuration change?
What is the name of the property on the Notfication object you are trying to set/update?
Re: SAP BW 7.4 Certification Dumps
Hello Prateeksha Kalyani,
Kindly avoid posting this type of posts here..
We are not here for supplying certification dumps..
Re: SAP LSO Course Evaluatio Form format in LSO_PV15
Hi Shankar,
Thanks for the details.
Hope SAP would get in the required feature in next releases.
Re: Cannot find BP ERP05 HR ADMINISTRATOR 1.51 Installation Software Component
Re: Should we keep Statutory Infotypes in Hiring Action
You should take care how to ask. You should not ask if we have knowledge or not? Just take care in future.
Anyway to make the dynamic action step background put /D at the end. You need to put /D for only those steps which you want in background. for example:
Infotype 0019, subtype 01 is deleted in the background when the field PRBZT or PRBZH in infotype 0016 is changed or created (function code 06).
The following entries are equivalent:
o 0016 PRBZH 06 I DEL,0019,01/D
0016 PRBZT 06 I DEL,0019,01/D
Re: Live office提示 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例
1.有可能您的live office把本和server版本不一致导致的。
2.如果live office版本与server版本一致,也可能是安装没有装好。 您可以试一下修复安装,或者卸载重新安装在看看。
Re: Facing issue with Report results export(.csv export instead of .xls export)
Hi Vignesh,
Can you share ESO version and the exact location from which the Report is executed? (meaning if it's a list page, or in a channel, or a report under Analysis Rep or Administrative Rep)
Re: SAP IBP - Features for PPDS / gATP
Hi Valavan,
Yes, I believe that would fall under the same sub module.