Hello srinivasan,
I am new to HP-UX.can you please help me how to increase maxdsiz and maxdsiz_64bin
Hello srinivasan,
I am new to HP-UX.can you please help me how to increase maxdsiz and maxdsiz_64bin
Hi Kannan,
My bad - the code used to specify IN. I've just played around with the so many different options and have left it at '=' but nothing works. I am expecting at least 2 values to be returned...
Hi Hana,
There is no direct way to exclude certain document type for transaction code F.13.
However you may want to check the Accounting Configuration for Clearing Procedures through accessing Transaction code - OBXH.
After accessing this transaction select clearing transaction - UMBUCHNG (Transfer posting with clearing) and once you have entered in this clearing transaction, you have the ability to select the specific document type for the transfer posting to AP/AR & GL.
Thanks & Regards
Hi guys,
I'm trying to start SAP Business One Studio but I'm getting a message in red at the bottom saying Failed to open SAP Business One Studio after it asks for an exe. If I'm right the .EXE its asking is the SAP Business One executable right ?
SAP 9 PL12 (32 bit)
I have eclipse JUNO and JDK 7.0 installed on my system ( with OS windows 8.1).
When write a UI5 program/project in eclipse and want to share it over to the back end(to SAP), I am facing the following issues:
Please see attached screen shots:
i) For some projects, I am not able to see the option 'Share As' in the context menu
ii) Even if I see the 'Share As' option, when I click on it, I am not able to see the button 'Next' enabled to proceed further to login to SAP system.
I installed all the required JDK plug ins and SAP ABAP plugins meant for SAP UI5 and ABAP.
Can someone tell me if I am missing some plugs or ??
Pls suggest.
A better way is to save the query into a file, and load it when you need it. And also you can use some special tags in the query, where you can replace them after loading from file with your actual value.
Please cross check this basic guidance. A typical recruiter would be looking for the basic qualification of MBA with materials management as the core subject. Given the hands-on experience of 7 years this requirement may be overlooked by tactful negotiation.
An ideal consultant would be one who knows the subject of MM and how it integrates with other branches of enterprise of production planning, finance and control,and sales & distribution.
Your search will be fruitful if you browse the website: www.monster.com & www.naukri.com
Dear islam saleh
On your cases, you want to create the rental object just for building not land. So, when you creating
the rental object, you dont enter the land.
Default function will check this filed whether empty or not. if you enter building number, system does
not require the land number.
but when you enter building number and land number at the same time, system can not define the higher-level object of this rental object.
(Normally, When you want to rent the parking space of ground, you can create rental object by using
land as higher-level object.)
Hi Guys,
I tried searching the web on how to use multiple list builder components for filtering, but was unable to find any relevant information. So, I thought I start a new thread here.
Could someone please explain to me how one can go about achieving this ? I have a column chart (Monthly Dept Total) in my dashboard (BO 4.1 Live Office) that should change based on the selection from 2 list builder components. The user should be able to select multiple values, so I cannot use the filter component. I am using the table below. The 2 list builder selectors are "Product" & "Month".
Dept | Product | Jan | Feb | Mar |
X | A | 1 | 2 | 3 |
X | B | 4 | 5 | 6 |
X | C | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Total for X: |
| 12 | 15 | 18 |
Y | A | 1 | 4 | 7 |
Y | B | 2 | 5 | 8 |
Y | C | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Total for Y: |
| 6 | 15 | 24 |
Total for X+Y |
| 18 | 30 | 42 |
Hi Guys,
My requirement is to filter a dashboard (BO 4.1) by selecting multiple check boxes.
The user gets to select the "Product" which has 3 values - A, B & C. Thus, I have created 3 check boxes in the dashboard. Based on the selection of the check boxes, the stacked column chart will change.
The stacked column chart (Webi Crosstab Live Office) contains Department wise Product Total for all Months. The data is shown below for each department.
Dept A:
Product | Jan | Feb | Mar |
A | 1 | 4 | 7 |
B | 2 | 5 | 8 |
C | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Total: | 6 | 15 | 24 |
Dept B:
Product | Jan | Feb | Mar |
A | 1 | 2 | 3 |
B | 4 | 5 | 6 |
C | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Total: | 12 | 15 | 18 |
Could anyone help me achieve multi-selectivity using check boxes and the same chart for all selections?
Hi Ram,
How did you add those 2 members in QA?
Why don't you add those 2 members in prod as well if those members are not from BW ETL?
If you ETL from BW then you need to check your BW system.
It is a waste of time and dangerous to do backup and restore just to update 2 members in a dimension.
I like rock (grunge, punk, alternative), R&B and american country (ecletic no?) Kkkkkk
Does ECC can supply entity or account hierarchy to BPC. Does someone extracted these hierachies from ECC for BPC hierarchy needs.
is there any COmpany code or entity hierarchy at all in ECC. What is the normal practise seen for these 2 dimension hierarchies.
We are in BPC 10.1 on hana connected to BW/ECC.
Appreciate your inputs..
Here is example where I extend VizFrame setting vizType to "stacked_combination":
sap.viz.ui5.controls.VizFrame.extend("jonova.ui5.chart.JuVizFrame", {
renderer: { },
setLineStackedBar: function() {
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(
[{Product:"Total", Date: 2000, Available: 100},
{Product:"Total", Date: 2001, Available: 100},
{Product:"P1", Date: 2000, Utilized: 30},
{Product:"P1", Date: 2001, Utilized: 20},
{Product:"P2", Date: 2000, Utilized: 40},
{Product:"P2", Date: 2001, Utilized: 60}]);
var oDataset = new sap.viz.ui5.data.FlattenedDataset({
dimensions: [{name: 'Date', value: '{Date}'},
{name: 'Product', value: '{Product}'}],
measures: [{name: 'Available', value: '{Available}'},
{name: 'Utilized', value: '{Utilized}' }],
data: {path: "/"}});
var oFeeds = [new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.FeedItem({uid: "valueAxis", type: "Measure", values: ["Utilized", "Available"]}),
new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.FeedItem({uid: "categoryAxis", type: "Dimension", values: ["Date"]}),
new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.FeedItem({uid: "color", type: "Dimension", values: ["Product"]})];
this.setChart("stacked_combination", oDataset, oModel, oFeeds);
setChart: function(aVizType, aDataset, aModel, aFeeds) {
for( var i=0, len=aFeeds.length; i<len; i++) this.addFeed(aFeeds[i]);
Can some one explain, what are the benefit of having seperate model for ICDATA /ICMATCHING in BPC.
How does this model help, rather than doing intercompany reconciliaiton in 'Consolidation' model itself.?
Appreciate inputs or documentation on this..
Hi Annapurna,
It sounds stupid. Can you try delete the scripts "sap_abap_convertToABAPValidFromDate" and "sap_abap_convertToABAPValidToDate" and then relink them to the global scripts?
Chenyang Xiong
Please take a look at attached pic. When I go to http://myserver.mycompany.com:8080/dswsbobje I can see it is then calling images\files from my ssl port 8143 and not 8080. I wanted to know what is causing this. dswsbobje isnt listed in my httpd.conf file. I dont see anything in dsws.properties or web.xml that would cause this 8143 to be referenced when going to 8080. I do have both ports 8080(http) and 8143(https) listed in my axis2 file. Curious as to what is causing this.
Hey all,
I am trying to configure SSO with SAML2.0 for fiori apps, and have a NW JAVA instance where I have installed my federation service component.
But when I go to - Authentication and Single Sign-On: SAML2.0 --> (enable SAML 2.0 Support) Local Provider Configuration
I don't see the option for Operation Modes, so can't select the identity provider option. And by default its picking up as Service Provider Option (see screen shot).
Can someone please suggest what component or config am I missing, so the Identity Provider option shows up. As in the scenario I am planning I need to make this NW JAVA stack as a Identity Provider and my Gateway system as a Service Provider.
Please let me know if I can provide any other information.