Re: PR release strategy
Hi there, You can not have both item or overall working all together. You need to decide whether you will release item by item (then no classification but release procedure criteria are limited to...
View ArticleRe: PI 7.3 single stack file adapter
i did it in my computer and it worked. did you follow and configure it properly?
View ArticleRe: Developer Edition link offers an obsolete version
Hi Dan, Are you referring to the link on the left under 'Related Resources"? At least for me, the developer edition link points...
View ArticleRe: special GL indicator created but shows incorrect error for payroll posting
Hi Check the Special GL properties and Special GL transaction types for Account type(ADKMS) To check above go to your Special GL and click on properties ThanksSrinivas
View ArticleRe: Two o more 0ic_c03
Hi, Mean you want do the init based on comp code and materil at info pack. am i right. yes you can do inits with selection based and delta will run on those selections only. delta dto will fetch the...
View ArticleRe: SAP Sybase ESP - 30 day evaluation for Linux?
I just noticed that you had not received a reply - sorry for the delay. Unfortunately we currently only have ESP for Windows available for evaluation downloads from the ESP Developer Center. To get an...
View ArticleRe: Pseudonyms (fictitious name) in SCN
Michael, not sure what's the situation in India, but don't you know what does 'ho' mean in English? No offense, but it's hardly a good nickname.
View ArticleRe: MRP Element
I already ran RM06C020 but it does not help to correct this inconsistency. Still subcontacting PO re coming in MD04 eventhough PO is mark for completed. Please help.
View ArticleRe: Issue with DB2 connection AS/400 Views & Stored Procs
Best way to figure out the SP is to go to Help | About in the CR Designer. You will see something like 14.x.y The x is the SP number / level. - Ludek
View ArticleReal-time Integration
Hi SAP Guru's Can we use the Real time Integration with out activating the New General Ledger? Is there any SAP Notes available ? What is the Impact If you use the Real time Integration without New GL?...
View ArticleDownload "attachment Documents" - via webservice
So is there any way to get the actual file contents of a attached document via a webservice... for example I create a webservice for invoices and add the attachment folder to the read... When I pull an...
View ArticleRe: BO Java SDK 4.0 . IProgram
There's an even better way to do this that doesn't involve any code. There are two steps to take in the CMC (this assumes you're on BI4.0): 1. Under Servers, remove the BI Inbox destination for all...
View ArticleRe: Record Working Time - Approval Screen on MSS
Ok then all you have to do is add the application HRMSS_A_CATS_APPROVAL_1 to your MSS role.
View ArticleRe: How to determine SRM Portal role for corresponding SRM backend roles
No, the relation is not maintained anywhere. You have couple of options here: 1) uploading the back-end roles to the portal or 2) making the back-end roles visible as groups on the portal and assigning...
View ArticleRe: LCM 404 missing page
Did it solve your issue? Do you need to do any other steps which were not mentioned in the article? Can you list them here, so it will be useful for future references for others. Thanks
View ArticleRe: RMA and CMA (Methods of accounting)
Hi Rashmi, This is more of Non- SAP question however let me try to answer this. Any ERP system like SAP basically have capabilities to use either methods however in System point of view its the same,...
View ArticleRe: Save current activity context
Hi Thales, Can you elaborate your scenario a bit? What is the back-end you are using? Do you want to save the draft before initiating the request or save it for BPM activities once BPM or processes...
View ArticleRe: Can we print 2square 3 square format(2 power of 2 or exponential format)...
Hi Deepthi, Have a look over this. might be useful. -Thanks & Regards,Vijay
View ArticleRe: File based interface -Best practice
Hi, I would suggest using PI for one of its reason of central monitoring, I know connect direct can generates log files, but at times it becomes difficult to open each log file and look for errors...
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