what is the impact on adding decimal places in CUNI
It looks here are 2 things mixed upCUNI is about unit of measures,the links and screen shots given are related to currency settings. in CUNI you can only define how the decimals are presented to the...
View ArticleHow to send SO confirmation to different e-mail addresses?
how about having a Distribution List or a Group ID created?
View ArticleRe: SAP GRC Access Control 10
Hi Abhishek, Take help of someone who has installed it in lab/production environment. A friend of mine spent a lot of time setting it up but had lot of issues, then he consulted with someone who was...
View ArticleRe: Quota ERROR in ESS
The cause is a functional module called HR_GET_QUOTA_DATA which gets parameters from the BADI-CL_PT_ARQ_REQ. Please check the class- CL_PT_ARQ_REQ_EXIT, it will contain the method-...
View ArticleRe: Pricing Doubt
Hi Ilango, Thanks for the reply. 1. I will be copying from quotation only the item details, where as pricing will be maintained separately in SO. I hope it will work very well with two separate...
View ArticleRe: Massive reports refresh - BEX 7
Hi Suman, Thanks for your quick answer, it helped a lot.Another question, is there a way to open a workbook that isn't saved on a local folder? Best Regards,Moriel
View ArticleRe: How to save comments in BI IP application by using Bex analyzer
we can achieve this by using repost function in IP by using WAD.business wants that .they want to enter the comments and if they press a button then the previous commenst have to display along with...
View ArticleRe: Problem when adding SRM Report "transaction code" link to NWBC ***urgent***
Into which role have you added the tcode? If you click open the appropriate folder in NWBC, the tcode should appear on the left side. Regards,Sushil.
View ArticleRe: Dynamic row of webi crosstab report
Hi Nisha, Try and execute the query generated in below case at the database layer hard coding the prompt values and see if it returns any data other than July 2008, if it doesn't then your focus should...
View ArticleRe: MII Pre-emptave issues monitoring
Morne, I will go through your questions one by one: Which of the Metrics in the Monitoring Services (or any of the other Metrics) can one combine in your opinion in order to understand if one can...
View ArticleRe: Work Centre wise report
Thanks Mr. Maheswaran, I want a single consolidated report, can you please guide me how to create custom report.
View ArticleRe: Electronic bank statement: booking with segments
Hi , I feel as you are using the segment to derive you might be gettig this error Check your entry in the parameters field, if you use one. Additionally, please check this note 1034554. Or elese the...
View ArticleRe: Plant Maintanance Data Flow
With the help of PM functional guy, observe how a PM order is recorded in various places. Look at all the places where data is maintained. You can understand the scenario with one PM order itself.
View ArticleRe: Error in Data Provisioning
Hi Nilesh, There is a chance that you are referring that incorrect source system in Data provisioning.First check in LTR how many configuration exists for ECC. If it is more than one then see what is...
View ArticleIntegration of ByDesign with Art Binder?
Hi there, Just wondering if anyone has heard of/worked with Art Binder alongside SAP BBD. We are currently working with a client that would like to integrate Art Binder into SAP BBD and i'm curious to...
View ArticleRe: Document viewer does not display content in SAPGui 7.30
Hi Lubomir, Please check if this note helps to fix your issue Note 1502912 - Document will not be displayed in ECL viewer ThanksThirumal
View ArticleRe: Standard Program/Function module to test RFC connection
Call function module "RFC_PING" specifying two exceptions - system_failure and communication_failure. This will prevent a short dump if the RFC connection has not been defined. Example below: CALL...
View ArticleRe: SAPUI5 oData Connection Error
Hi Frank I was able to get some data from the https://sapes1.sapdevcenter.com/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZCD204_EPM_DEMO_SRV link also. Upon checking my network console, my code adds a $metadata on my call. So...
View ArticleRe: Sybase IQ 16 installer issue
Thanks Lawrence. those libraries were the first things to be pointed out by SAP Sybase support. I have had a ticket open with sybase support for a while. We got all the libraries mentioned in the...
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