Cross-System Stock Transfers between two R/3 systems purchasing
Hello Jurgen, the graphic for this one is if you are using joint APO, then avaiibilty is...
View ArticleRe: Filter Component - Becomes Inactive
Hi Tammy,Thank you for your quick response. I will get with our IT department and see if we can get the latest SP. Thanks,April
View ArticleRe: Parallel phases and automatic rescheduling (cprojects)
Hi Vildan;Can You solve the automatic scheduling in Parallel Phases?Tell us how it works actually.Regards,Mariano
View ArticleRe: Upgrade process has been interupted by an error : a session with security...
Hi Lola, Add following switch to CMS command line and restart CMS, start UMT again. -BatchExpirySeconds 1800 Hope it helps. Regards,Sohel
View ArticleNot able to compile wsdl file of GRC 10 Risk Analysis web servive in .Net...
Hi Expert's, I am trying to consume Virsa Complience GRC 10 web service "Risk Analysis without request number" in an .Net application.When I am providing wsdl file as web reference in .Net pplication....
View ArticleRe: Export the Datawindow as PDF
Hi Jerry; There was mention of a native PDF feature for PB 15 about 1.5 years ago on the original PB 15 road-map. However, in the PB 15 road-map presented last fall ... that enhancement seems to have...
View ArticleSAP Hana
Hi, please refer to the HANA forums in SCN. there are several, depending on your angle. This is probably the most active: they even have their own microsite...
View ArticleRe: BO Installation including connection with ECC
there was a bad zip file int he original SP6 package on SMP, this was resolved and now dowloads should work and package be OK.
View ArticleRe: Time PCR not getting processed
Hi all, the problem is solved now... the issue was with the PCR... Thanks a lot for your help!!
View ArticleRe: Table Output with colors
Hi, You can use EMPHASIZE attribute of Field catalog.Modify your field catalog for fields with desired color value. Below is the link for your reference,
View ArticleRe: UDF
Hi Andrew Birt, If you got answer, please close this thread. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: InfoObject SOLD_TO contains non-alpha compliant value 99111
Hi Madhu, at PSA Level 0Customer may have invalid char like '#' '/' or space, or lower case letters kind. first find out invalid char data and edit psa and relaod master data for 0customer.this error...
View ArticleRe: Best apparoach to run a report under Read only Mode.?
Hi Raymond, I would modify the screen on INITIALIZATION exactly because it's based on user profile and should be executed only once. If it was based on data entered, then I would do in AT...
View ArticleRe: Sub Report in Crystal
Hi Usha, use hiperlinks to get the results. First create a sub report and keep it one location and goto main report right click 1 New attendees 1->format field->hyperlink->click new enterpise...
View ArticleRe: Problem with multiple groupings and summary totals
Abhilash: Wow . . I never would have thought about the subreport for this. I look forward in seeing the report. My e-mail is I will check it out once you send it to me and I...
View ArticleRe: How to trigger Job by SAP Event
Hello Tim, Basically you have two options:1) Create a SAP event watcher mapping a SAP event to a CPS event and make your job start when the event is raised. To setup a SAP event watcher create an Event...
View ArticleRe: Error in queue Item as " Wating for retry"
- The popup in your workspace is likely unrelated to the transformer error.- There are a number of potential causes for the transformer error, from the backend EIS not responding quickly enough, to a...
View ArticleRe: Time PCR not getting processed
Is Quota 93 set-up as an Absence Quota or as an Attendance Quota?
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