Re: SCN single sign-on - how to get?
Maybe SCN Support would be better suited for this question. Anyway, I don't think SCN allows users to create signed certificates, only SMP does. They are working on a SSO mechanism for SCN that will...
View ArticleReports Universe name from the Audit Unv?
Hello: I'm creating an Auditing report. Output columns : Username, Report name, Universe Name, Event Date.Objects from Events Class: username, object name, object type Objects from Event Time Class:...
View ArticleRe: SAP GRC 10 Access Control email not triggering
Hi Sachin, Question: do you have stage level notification setup in your workflow? in MSMP, step 5, for the desired PATH, below you have the stages. Select the desired stage, and add the notifications....
View ArticleRe: Dynamic Subroutine call
Hello Shek, follow my code: DATA : IT_MARA TYPETABLEOF MARA, IT_MARC TYPETABLEOF * from mara intoTABLE it_mara UPTO10rows. SELECT * FROM marc INTOTABLE it_marc...
View ArticleRe: Can users without Secure Login Client still logon to AS ABAP via SAPGui...
So if SAPGui is configured to use SNC via the saplogon.ini file, but the user does not have an SNC name entered in tcode SU01 on the SNC tab, would they be presented with the logon via username and...
View ArticleRe: TransNotif block duplicate vendor ref
Hi, The above notification is already stored in the system. Moreover, in your post you have mentioned vendor ref. Normally vendor ref refers to purchase order not sales order. Please check above.
View ArticleRe: Collaboration Room with LSO
Pllease can you guide me with this integration? Thank you. Regards Carmen
View ArticleRe: BAPI error Infopackage Data Services Datasource
Hi Suresh, It's interesting that you are still getting Authorization error with SAP_ALL. Would you please ask basis to do an authorization trace using ST01? They should be able to tell you which...
View ArticleNew output device to be used as a default device .
Hi, I am sure your basis guy will be in a position to do this without any issues. You have collect printer name and IP details, user details and give it to basis guy. They will configure the printer...
View ArticleRe: Userresponse
Drag your date object into the Query Filters of the WebI Report and select the option as Prompt as shown below. And the text that you use in this prompt can be used in the USERRESPONSE() as...
View ArticleRe: Alerts - do they happen if they are missed?
Hi Chris, You have posted same thread twice. Can I know the difference between Gordon answer with my answer. Please correct me if any difference in answer. Thanks for explanation. Thanks &...
View ArticleRe: To group in the same invoice two different material
Hi Karima, Your screenshot shows that you have 2 different partners (customers).How can you get one Invoice for 2 different customers? Please check the customers in your sales orders and let us know if...
View ArticleLX47 Table entry to be changed does not exist
I have a delivery where transfer order was confirmed but delivery was not yet updated. When running delayed delivery update I get the error that "The table entry to be changes does not exist". I have...
View ArticleRe: Macro question
Hi,If I understand correctly, what you want is the folowing: IF(DET_LEVEL( 'ZMATNR' ) = 1ORDET_LEVEL( 'ZSOMATNR' ) = 1)OR(DET_LEVEL( 'ZMATNR' ) = 1 ANDDET_LEVEL( 'ZSOMATNR' ) = 1ANDDET_LEVEL(...
View ArticleRe: External Command in Crystal Reports 2011 for SBO
Hi, Please refer below link for Crystal report 2011 user guide. Hope helpful.
View ArticleRe: setting mailing for company "abc"(company was bought/taken by "cde").
yes I can reach SMTP server on port 25(I guess you had in mind via telnet)Only if I understood SMTP relay agents are normaly on originating sites(i.e not site where SMTP is)?
View ArticleRe: Letter of Credit Processing not Active for Any Docmt Partners
Hi SAPSD1, The most obvious cause would be that the second item in the Sales Order has a different Item Category to the first, and the second one is not activated for LoC Processing. Please confirm...
View ArticleRe: date comparison formula not working
Hi Abhilash,I think I see what is happening but need help fixing it.I use the formula:whileprintingrecords;shared datevar firstdate := Minimum ({Command.entry_date});If DayOfWeek(firstdate) = 1...
View ArticleRe: ST02 select very low hit ratio in call stat section
Hi, Use transaction ST05 and record SQL trace. In this trace check if you see accesses to buffered tables. If there are, maybe it is related to the type of sql statement , e.g. it could be with...
View ArticleRe: Threads Limit in MMC
Hi Arun, To change the ThreadCount you can login to configtool \usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGSnn\j2ee\configtool -> sh (or configtool.bat).Under "instance" -> managers ->...
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