Re: Set up new Cash account - Getting error message saying cash account is...
Hi, Please check SAP note for explanation: 1252247 - Why does a cash account warning appear in payments?Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: SAP xMII migration from 11.5 to 14.0
There is a migration and upgrade guide somewhere here on SCN with some do's and dont's that might help you do some housekeeping and other pre-migration related efforts for a smooth 11.5 upgrade.
View ArticleWhat are Swift_payload and Swift_par messages?
Hi All, I want to know why there are two messages in Swift interfaces Swift_payload and Swift_par?. In standard file act interface Swift_payload_par gets splitted into these two messages. Can anyone...
View ArticleRe: In dynamic Selection screen I want check mandatory input field after...
Hi, This is common error when you have radio button group on the selection screen.Please note: if you make any of the input field as mandatory, it would allow your dynamic screen population on radio...
View ArticleRe: Production Order Component Sorting Options
You transfer your reports internal table data to the function module through SORT_TAB which will sort it and return the sorted output in the same table. DATA: i_sort type table of RESBK with header...
View ArticleRe: Uploading data to T558B and T558C
Hi Ankit, Please do the following : I have tried for T558B and it is working for me.Open an Excel and start entering the values as mentioned by you in the above format.Note: Without headercopy the...
View ArticleRe: Blank Values in Variable Values- IP
In order to resolve this i have created Multiple buttons in work book and used the Same Planning sequence.
View ArticleRe: Alert: The following statement has been running for 999999 seconds
Answer from sap - There is no parameters in HANA and there is no plans to add them.
View ArticleKF is not Input ready: data Slicescharacteristics relationship
Hi All, Im using Planning work book where i have 3 input ready query. When ever i enter Material input to Navigation Pane which is based out of Query , Im getting a warning as Sales volume is not input...
View ArticleRe: SMTP configuration for sending mail out of SAP system
Hi Ashish, Refer Programs: BCS_EXAMPLE*. Also request your Basis consultant to check the config done in the SCOT due to connection error information. With Regards,Giriesh M
View ArticleHow to add cloud system in HANA studio?
Hi, I'm just starting learning cloud platform course on openSAP. I'm getting stuck on adding cloud system in HANA studio. When I switch to SAP HANA Development Perspective, there is nowhere to add...
View ArticleRe: Free of goods
HI, Create a new document type and determine tann automatically,use only when you give free. Regards,Senthil Venugopal
View ArticleRe: Cycle counting
Hello Alex, If you are not able to see Physical inventory indicator for cycle count in Logistics DC/store view using MM42, it is hidden in your system. You can include field MARC-ABCIN in a field...
View ArticleRe: Mail trigger for change in inspection plan
Hi Vivek,You may try User-Exit IPRM0004 work for your requirement.A simple sample code can be like this: IF SY-TCODE = 'IP02'. CALL TRANSACTION 'ZMAIL' . ENDIF. As you might have understood, you need...
View ArticleRe: Unable to Connect to a System in SAP Screen Personas "System Selection"
Hello,Actually i'm trying to implement Screen Personas 2.0. I have used this guides :Config_Document_v_1_3configguideaddendum-140602170309-phpapp01Master_Guide_v_1_3 but when i finish review all guides...
View ArticleRe: Activate " all currencies" indicator
Hi Lily, Did you get an answer for this? can you plz let me know the answer, as i am facing the same error as "all currencies" indicator is not permitted. Thank youAG
View ArticleRe: COPA: Z table
Hi Nitu 1. Any order is fine. Preferably create the Op concern first with desired chars and VF 2. You need to tell your Abap the fields required and their length for the Z table 3....
View ArticleRe: please guys support me in explain these errors
These errors are just warnings. it will not harm to your system funcationality. They can be ignored.
View ArticleRe: Print Labels based on User ID
ANy Idea Guys,I have created a Field Catalog Z_SYNAME and condition table using WH Number, PackMat Type, User Name and HU Step. PPF not triggering any print. Condition record not fulfilled in...
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