Re: Difficulties in Reorder point calculation
Thanks Jurgen. I have found the issue. The 'Procurement time' was defined as 1 day in customizing of CBP. This was causing the issue. Thanks to all of you who replied to the thread.
View ArticleRe: SUT selection in TO from storage type to PSA
Hi Shankar, As per standard SAP flow, Step 1 ) system picks the stock removal indicator from the WM1 view of material masterStep 2) Picks the storage type from the T334T table based on the removal...
View ArticleRe: Export data to Excel - Save file dialog doesn't appear
Hi Florian,Whether you have able to solve this?I am struggling to implement the excel download through server. Can you help me?
View ArticleRe: Update manager in IdM automatically when the manager changes in SAP HR
Thanks Deepak.... I checked it and appears the it has the required selection. I will test this with the client and get back to you if I need more help.Thanks heaps.Ranjit
View ArticleRe: How to get HTTP headers from Data Provider Class?
Till NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 SP05 it is possible to retrieve the request headers in DPC with the mentioned code in SP06 its not. Do you know a different way? RegardsSilvio
View ArticleRe: Incorrect currency format in ESS
Hi Ahana, Looks like in TCURX there is no entry for AUD, if there is no entry then SAP will treat it as Decimal 2 by default. Portal also it would get a default which would be 2 decimal places. As you...
View ArticleRe: Need to load and report trading partner in cost center planning
SAP confirmed that CO planning does not include trading partner and thus this is not supported. Therefore our solution is to load plan into new GL table FLAGLFLEXT which allows for trading partner and...
View ArticleRe: SAP PI - SAP AII Integration: PML File integration issue
Hi Vishal, Thanks for the inputs.Yes we have enables EOIO in the file sender. But the issue is still persisting. As it is a ABAP Proxy at receiver side, do we have any mechanism to enable queueing at...
View ArticleCreate Macros in Excel using Abap
I have a requirement where I have to download the alv output to excel sheet (Simple table with multiple rows), However after I download the file I have to run the macro. Macro is not readily available....
View ArticleRe: RSNAST00 - Selection screen
Cholen, It is possible to process 2 messages for the same document and with same status. Std program loops around each NAST record, lock it at beginning of processing and unlocks it before going to...
View ArticleRe: Asset Classes - Not able to create
Hi, Thanks for answering it's working now, Could you pls explain me Why can't we create more than one asset class through asset class..
View ArticleRe: Not able to login into SCN in a mobile browser
A quick update. The default Android browser works. It takes about 10 seconds for the logon screen to show up but it does. Chrome 35 on Android is still not working.
View Articleheader data not getting updated in line item level
Hi, We are trying to update Pricing date at header level but it is not gettting copied to item level. getting an message "The header business data does not apply to item xxxx" i have checked the item...
View ArticleRe: Sales order quantity in MD04
Hi Dave,Thanks a lot. I can not believe all that work on UoM. Great document.I was on vacation to India for a month. Sorry for the delay in replying. I just started testing it out. I'll need some time....
View ArticleRe: Can't connect to SLD systems
Hi, Have you checked SAP note? Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleTrabajar con cantidades negativas que un punto de venta manda a SAP
Estimados, Una duda: ¿Es normal trabajar con cantidades negativas que manda un punto de venta a través de SAP PI, hacia SAP?... Es decir: ¿Es recomendable activar el trabajo de cantidades negativas...
View ArticleRe: Drop Down with all values excluding initial variable screen filter
I believe you will have to resort to a second, unfiltered datasource in order to generate the list of values to populate the dropdown.
View ArticleRe: alert ACRD
Hi, Thanks for feedback. Please close this thread. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: CO Allocation test run report development (About program AL01800R )
Hi, Thank you for your reminder, I will post to FICO forum also.
View ArticleCO Allocation test run report development (About program AL01800R )
At first, user will use T-CODE KSV5 to execute the cost center distribution. After that, they want to output a report to analyse the distribution result. We have an add-on report to realize it. But...
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