Re: Where I should put the CATCH sentence in a TRY...ENDTRY
The order of CATCH blocks doesn't matter. I'm not 100% sure but I think you have to place all catch blocks at the end of the TRY .. ENDTRY block. Technically I guess the parser is able to find the...
View ArticleRe: Regarding GRC access control 10 plugin system parameters
Hi Vamsi, Have you looked at the help information in IMG for this activity? It explains the usage of the parameters regarding Risk Terminator in Role Maintenance. In the IMG navigation, choose the IMG...
View ArticleRe: Problem with CR Viewer rendering
Hello Michele CR 2011 does not install any SDK. The equivalent is "SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio", link to download provided in my previous post. So apologies, but...
View ArticleRe: add unrelated summary to totals section of cross tab
Hi Abhilash: Thank you for your response, I appreciate your assistance. The example you sent me is pretty close to what I am trying to achieve - the net pay summary would be under the second summary...
View ArticleRe: BPEM Messaging for custom Z Transaction
Hey Ankit, very detailed you explain us which SAP function modules you are using. It would have been a little bit better if you had shown us something more of your coding surrounding your message...
View ArticleRe: Errors when setting a location
Hello Christina What version of CR are you using?What CR Service Pack are you on?Are you setting the location in the CR designer or in some runtime custom app? This query I am basing on the error -...
We are in the process of upgrading from 7.0 to 7.3. Its a large conversion of load balanced ,external facing portals. I have run into many problem, mainly with the Content Filter blocking perfectly...
View ArticleRe: Not able to Save the Single Role
Possibly let us know what the role name is and what you confirmation rules are. What SP are you on for GRC? Consider if you have enforced adherence to naming convention and it does not match. Also, is...
View ArticleRe: Please Help. Crystal reports 10 issue -...
Hi Ludek, I would most certainly move this but I don't seem to have the option. It was definitely there earlier. Do you have some thoughts on my issue? RegardsAndy
View ArticleRe: Computer specific error in Crystal Report
Hello Peter I moved your post to the SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio SCN Space (just a better place for it, is all). Anyhow, my suspicions would be: 1) There is something wrong with the...
View ArticleRe: Please Help. Crystal reports 10 issue -...
Andrew, if you can just copy and paste to that Space please. If I continue in here, I risk getting my hands slapped . - Ludek
View ArticleCannot view logs in java trace on portal
Hi, when i click on trouble shooting tab over the java portal and then i clicked on to the log and traces then i clicked on log viewer then i recived following attached error.
View ArticleRe: Computer specific error in Crystal Report
Darn. Well, the silver lining is I will not have to shoot my self... Is this app compiled as 32 bit, 64 bit, or "Any CPU"? If 32 bit, it may be worthwhile throwing Modules at it and see if there are...
View ArticleRe: BACS SUN numbers confirguration in SAP
Gary, hi thank you very much for posting this information up for the rest of us. you can never tell how much after the original event someone will still need the information. all the best Adam
View ArticleRe: Text message in payslip.
Dear Priya, You can do it by "Preselect using report" and choose RPLFST00. I recommend to create batch input by selecting "Create batch input session". You can run created batch through SM35. Cheers,
View ArticleSAP BO Backup & Recovery
Hi Experts, Does anyone know where I can find documentation about Backup & Recovery for the following BO products:BO BI 4.0BODS 4.0BO Disclosure Management 10.0BO Strategy Management 10.0 Thanks in...
View ArticleRe: Computer specific error in Crystal Report
Thanks Ludek. It's compiled as "Any CPU". I've tried Modules already, followed the instructions - couldn't figure out how they work. Couldn't even see the appropriate executable. Perhaps they work only...
View ArticleRe: Training and Support
Did you ever get training or are you guys still looking? I am the education manager for VEA and could help arrange that. Sorry for the long delay but I just saw this. Jason Dickerson...
View ArticleRe: GRC10 SP10 >> LDAP Connection
consider reviewing the following roles SAP_GRAC_ACCESS_REQUESTER Role for End userSAP_GRAC_BASE Base Role for all Access Control UsersSAP_GRAC_END_USER End User as a GRC Guest...
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