Re: Cost Center wrongly posted during Journal Entry
Dear Nabin What is your exact issue? You want to remove this entry from the CC and post it to some other CC or you want to remove the cost element? If you want to transfer the entry from one CC to...
View ArticleRe: Error in WB Request while Transporting on STMS
Hello Sir, Can you please post the error now?Regards,Dnyanesh.
View ArticleRe: Customer not ready to send free of goods back But he wants money back for...
Hi VenuBusiness has to decide what they want to do in this Scenario .Business want to send free of cost delivery to customer or want to give Credit Note to customer . upon decision from business you...
View ArticleRe: No GL ledger view for some documents
Hi Satya, I faced this same situation at one of the clients. We had raised this to SAP OSS. You are correct that RGURECGLFNEX should be run by SAP OSS consultants only. They say that you are free to...
View ArticleSearch Help for Company Code from Backend
Hi experts, How can I make a SH for company code from backend system? I already made a SH for account assigments from backend with USAGE_SH_F4 functioanality, but i don't know whether I can use it for...
View ArticleRe: How to create assignment block which show DATA in TREE format
Thanks Robert, Krishnan, I am working on the task. Thanks you very very much. Regards,Imran
View ArticleRe: CO Certification
I fully agree with Ravi Sankar Venna.Just memorizing questions and their answers for SAP Certification exam is not meaningful.Its the fundamentals that need to be understood thoroughly so that one can...
View ArticleRe: WEBI 4.1 Scope of Analysis panel is Disabled with OLAP Univers Connection
thanks Guys, also I tired the Custom Hierarchies from the Universe level as I said first and the webi can't Read the Hierarchy also if I want to display objects on webi as Hierarchy view it is no...
View ArticleRe: Create Purchase Order With bapi_po_create1
The error is that the material group doesn't exist. You are passing the material group as a parameter in the line: it_item-matl_group = wa_porder-matl_group. it_itemx-matl_group = 'X'.Does the...
View ArticleRe: Z pricing procedure determination...
Alex, Thanks for elaborating your requirement & understanding. But, I have lttle different understanding & thought on this. Business jargon for KPI is "A key performance indicator is a...
View ArticleKey Generation
Hi Experts, What is the difference between Key Generation and Row Generation... Thanks & RegardsRamesh
View ArticleRe: Error while reversing the GR
If you are using only standard BAPI and absolutely zero direct table inserts, open an support message in an example in SE37 for the BAPI that is throwing the...
View ArticleRe: Set BP_Grouping as mandatory
Hi Abdullah, thanks for the explanation. We're now back to the original question which I now realise is not very clear. In the customizing "Configure FIeld Attributes per Client" I added BUPA and then...
View ArticleRe: Hadoop Adaptor Usage
Hello, It looks like they did not document the Hadoop specific information for the Input adapters. They only put this information into the Output Adapters. I have logged a documentation bug for this:...
View ArticleRe: Prevent deletion of delivery after invoice cancellation
Thanks guys apprciate for your response. Alternatively its my thought, if we can make the billing date as mandatory in VF11 or make it as current date by default? Since the issue is users are trying to...
View ArticleRe: Approach
Hello Iñaki,SAP has immensely improved the XML validation feature in the later versions of PI and i believe it's certainly worth to use xml validation along with alert mechanism to validate input file...
View ArticleRe: Ajuste de saldo em contas de conciliação
From Google translate I came to know that this is FI related query which should be posted in FI forum. Thank$
View ArticleRe: Text is getting truncated
Gupta,Even after making the transaction property word wrap and carriage return enabled, or before? You should get a different result now. If not, you definitely need a newer client version. Jason...
View ArticleRe: Most Pointless SCN Space
kishan P wrote: My vote goes to: SAP Learn Now Forget about SCN members, I doubt if even SAP/SCN knows what this forum is for... pkThere is actually some kind of 'Lear Now' app or something like that...
View ArticleRe: How to extract data from MYSQL?
Hi, creating and testing connections it is the basis activity.check with the your basis team they would on google "MYSQL TO BI" Thanks,Phani.
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