Re: Automatizar la entrada de pedidos
Jorge buenas tardes, En efecto este desarrollo se puede crear por intermedio de B1if, pero es dificil explicar toda la información para crearlo en breves líneas!!! Si quieres me puedes contactar y te...
View ArticleRe: Issue with WF container elements using OOPS
Hi Madan, RAISE EXCEPTION won't transfer the messages to the workflow container. However it will transfer the exception message to the workflow log. What we have done in the past is to pass input...
View ArticleERP on HANA system copy - AFL
Hello Team, We have perfomed homogeneous system copy as below.Source system - SAP ERP EHP7 SP01 on SAP HANA Database.Target system - SAP ERP EHP7 SP01 on SAP HAN Database. (created target system...
View ArticleRe: Problema con Certificado en cliente Agentry de Windows Mobile 6.5
Siguieron todos los pasos: Creating a Self-Signed Certificate Using OpenSSL es importante utilizar el *.pem en el dispositivo luego de migrarlo a *.cert
View ArticleRe: Delay in receiving data in C4C from ERP via HCI.
Hi Suvankar, Normally there should not be delay in replicating Products/Accounts/Contacts. Try replicating one of the object like Customers and immediately check in WE02/WE05 to see if the IDOC is...
View ArticleRe: 'BP Project' field at Business Partner Master Data
Hi, FYI: 8.81 & 8.82 it shows project code not project name. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleConnectionInfo using 'COM Connectivity' in C#
I need to connect to a DLL using 'COM Connectivity" and a function to provide data for my crystal report in c#, I have one report that gets populated via a database: // DATABASE via...
View ArticleRe: EPMDimensionOverride with Dynamic Cell Range
Hi Neha, The Members parameter should be a single cell, a single value. What you need to do is create a new cell E13 i.e. a formula to concatenate values from E1 to E12.Something like E13, "=E1 &...
View ArticleRe: Data retention needed
Hi Arpit, Thanks , but in our case we can't use the NLS as this cost will be much effective. How do i find out the particular set of data i.e. all sales document no before 2011, Is it feasible to do...
View Articledifference between client leveland co. code level and chart of account level.
plz,let me know what is difference between client level and company code level and chart of account level,and what will be created in these level pls answere asap , thx in advanced
View ArticleRe: Performance issue in loading
Hi shyam, Yes I've created a secondary indexes for DSO and please check my latest reply and let me know your thoughts Thanks,Siva
View ArticlePositioning of fields on the page in SAP Script
I have aSapscript form with some fields that must be aligned. But not always all fields present values, and when this happens the following field blank is moved to the left, misaligning the...
View ArticleRe: Siemens, hyderabad abap certification..request for advise
Hi Swapna, As you are Chartered Accountant, FICO is good fit for you for sure.I advice to go for training first other than certification.After few years of experience it's good to go for certification...
View ArticleRe: SAP Cloud For Customer 1311 Create Account With Bill To/Ship To/Sold To Role
Hi Sri, I have already completed the activity to enabled External Integration as well as code list mapping for the same but we can display any role for that can you please explain me or any...
View ArticleRe: Shipping Documents... who's role is it?
Hello, Vaibhav Verma As Andrea told, it depends on the project. It's not common to separate the activities like that, unless you have a LES Consultant working in the team. So, in this case, I think...
View ArticleRe: Error 131 Transaction rolled back by lock wait timeout
Thread moved to the Predictive Analysis space. Hopefully it will get more attention there.Laure
View ArticleRe: Lockbox_Post process for multiple checks to single invoice
Similar, I think. Your issue is like you received 10 individual check for $100 in 10 payments?My issue was customer paid in full let's say $100 but in 2 individual check. So we had to apply that 2...
View ArticleRe: Withholding tax for Invoice posting
Solved! Thanks for all of your reply and support.
View ArticleRe: want to add comp off quota if an employee works on a public holiday and...
moved to the HCM space Laure
View ArticleRe: IDOC outbount message ORDRSP missing line item contract start and finish
Hi Roy, I believe you added new fields to existing Idoc and Imported the Idoc into ESR and etc. Now Outbound Idoc from PI system is not having new fields ? If yes , please delete Idoc metadata (in IDX2...
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