HR-PY - Ptax Wrong Calculation
Dear experts, I am currently working on Indian Payroll Implementation. Here I am having a challenge for PTAX calculation. Here in Orissa the ptax slabs are defined as follows: 1,60,000 – Nil Upto...
View ArticleRe: Device rotation
Dave, he said earlier he was using Android rather than iPad. But nice code Reference is MAKit_HTML5...
View ArticleRe: SAP Released Interfaces for Custom Code
Hi Leandro, I am not sure where are you coming from but if you don't use SAP objects in custom code, then you will have to develop equivalent custom objects to meet the requirement. And, that would not...
View ArticleRe: how to get customer data tab opened in tcode me54n
Hi,follow this link: ThanksSabyasachi
View ArticleRe: Data Archiving: Period End Closing Procedure
Hi Dario, the message states for which period there are transactions that were not managed by period end closing. Simply open that period, run Period End closing on it, close the period and run the...
View ArticleRe: Transport the request of Tcode CMOD, Project?
Your Function exit and screen exit are not transported. you can find the transport request and if it is in local assign it to package and create request for it. You can find transport request of your...
View ArticleRe: problem data package send email
Hi Michele,you must ask your basis what kind of protocol you have, you must give also the SMTPPORT (usually 25) and normally also an SMTPUSER and a SMTPPASSWORD (user and psw trusted from smtp server)....
View ArticleRe: System call failed. (Exception HRESULT: 0x80010100 (RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED))
Hi Marc, Thank you. This was probably one of the most popular problems that you just solved . Best regards,Pedro Magueija
View ArticleRe: Case syntax MDX - SAP 4.0 OLAP connection to SQL 2008
The syntax remains the same except for the @select you are using. If you go to the IDT query panel and view the script you will see the MDX query and can compare with the given example. My guess is...
View ArticleRe: Device rotation
It *should* work if you replace navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") with navigator.userAgent.indexOf("android") I dont' have an Android device to test it on, but a Google search showed that...
View ArticleRe: How to Default Number and Date format settings in OLAP Analysis
Hi Jothi, We are currently under BO 4.0 SP05 Patch 2. Though the BW setting for date format is mmddyyyy, the Analysis still displays in yyyymmdd format in the prompt window and in inside the...
View ArticleRe: Purchase Order
Hello, This is the Workflow forum, you may receive a quicker answer in a different forum.Good luck! regardsRick
View ArticleRe: Employee Profile button not working in HRMSS_EMPOVER_TEAMVIEWER
Hi I have the same issue. I already did all the settings mentioned in the above posts including change the method DISPLAY_PROFILE and still doesn´t works. When the 'Employee Profile' button is...
View ArticleBPC 10 on HANA
I am looking to hear from folks who have implemented BPC 10 on HANA. If you can share your experiences specifically around Performance I would appreciate it. thx
View ArticleRe: Extend credit limit
Not possibly directly. For my current Client they use the OVA8 userexit and Credit Rep. Group to turn off the credit check for a period of time. Again a seasonal factor could have also been used, but...
View ArticleRe: Unable to send Email in XMII 12.2.3 Build (182)
Hello Experts, This is the error i'm getting while testing the send mail part.Created Connection Alias with apt Port (25) and Mail Server( which is running fine in anther system).Response would be...
View ArticleRe: SD-WM
1. I assume the B UoM in the WM view of the material is M. Though normally I would assume the "lowest" UoM is the Base UoM. 2. Check in SPRO for " Define Control Parameters for Warehouse Number"....
View Articledefine tax in sales order
hi,in MM, we can define the tax code in line item of the purchase order.1 in SD, where can we define the tax code? 2 in SD, how to determine that the item is vatable? thanks
View ArticleRe: Difference Indicator
You know by seeing the scanning results, for which I suppose is outside of SAP. Most companies usually use some kind of RF or special scanning functions (LM00) to do this function. Check OMLX for more...
View ArticleIn table TPAER, the entry AG SP is missing
i think i accidently deleted the standard entry AG, anyone please help to set up Ag again. thanks
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