Re: I want to enter a short text to the production orders as an...
We are using the same method which Anupam has mentioned. We can append the field to AUFK and it is displayed in COOIS. However why don't you use production order itself as an identification number?
View ArticleRe: multiprovider issue
Hi Raju, I have done that (the RSA1 display data) and all cubes show data. However only the planning cube (the one auto-generated when we created the application) shows data in BPC. ThanksCliff
View ArticleRe: Positive time management
Your Time is configured correctly ... You need to update employee master 0007 with time evaluation and Put the Time event in system , so when you execute the pt60 for time evalauation it takes value no...
View ArticleRe: Assignment block shows in Lazy mode even though Direct Option is checked...
Hello Nikhil, Go to personalization in overview page then if "display expanded" is unchecked for any view ( means corresponding assignment block will be in lazy mode.) Thanks and Regards,Amit Singh
HI ALL in my module pool screen header data and item data is there. user need to add data in it by manually. now whenever he press enter rest of the header data field should be freeze and non editable...
View ArticleRe: Load .XLS file into BW
Hi Harish, It's not possible till 7.0. But it may be possible from 7.3 on wards. If you are in 7.0, you must convert your file into CSV before uploading to BW. Regards,Suman
View Articlesceen hold
HI ALL in my module pool screen header data and item data is there. user need to add data in it by manually. now whenever he press enter rest of the header data field should be freeze and non editable...
View ArticleRe: help needed in creating formula component in fsi4
sure... if any help let me know and i am not able to change it as answered i dont know why
View Articleinactive field
i am having two field in my module pool screen.1 order no.(aufk-aufnr)2 sales order no (vbak-vbeln) now when user enter order no then sales order field should goes in display mode and when sales order...
View ArticleNetwork Device Enrollment Service Installation Error
While i am installing Network Device enrollment service i am getting an error Please suggest me about the error,Thanks in advance,
View ArticleRe: MSS short profile values coming as N/A
Hi Mithun, can u please provide the SPRO path. But where I am confused is when it selects SAP_MSS_TEAMVIEW which is currently happening all the values comes as N/A but as mentioned earlier if we change...
View ArticlePMS issue
Hi sap Experts,Employee was able to delete the attached file and add.Employee is able to delete the attached file and add more file throughESS appraisal View. (this is functionality is not available...
View ArticleRe: Cost center dependency
Hi Ramesan These are the areas you should check 1. Allocation cycles (Assessment / Dist and COPA assmt cycles) 2. Asset Master, 3. OKB9, 4. Open PO/PR/Service entry sheets 5. OVF3 6. Substitutions...
View ArticleSAP Professional certification material
Hi Experts, I am looking forward to go in for a SAP HR professional certification. If anyone of you can help me with the following it will be a great help. C_HCMPAY_65 – SAP Certified Application...
View ArticleRe: Automatic Credit Limit Check Problem
Baris, I have changed the update group to 12 - Open order value on time axis, delivery and bill.doct valueIf you assign 12 as the update group it would definitely block the sales order when the sales...
View ArticleSRM SUS
Hi All, I am working on EP portal and integrating with SRMSUS.. like in the standard iview supplier Self-service , i have hided the SRM home,help,logoff button. Now i want to add two custom...
View ArticleRe: Report On Reference Customers
HiCommon sense will be there for every body even for my Client too.They are using SAP from the past 5 years because they believe in SAP. That is the reason they are continuing further-- If they are...
View ArticleRe: Remove time from date time and #FORMAT error in universe 4.0
yea its a datetime format in the database. And in Edit dislay format, it just a custom formatting with YYYY-MM-DD format.
View ArticleRe: Create New Serial Number
Hi When you manage Serial Number "On Release Only", SBO still adds new "empty" records to the serial numbers table (OSRN) upon receiving to stock. Those records contain no serial nembers, but function...
View ArticleOpen Source Project
Hello Guys, I am looking for Open Source Projects if they know of to indicate to me Some would be grateful ... Sincerely.: Yago Ribeiro de Oliveira
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