Hello Surojit,
You are right SLD components not pushed correctly in LMDB.
I have tried sycn from SLD to LMDB. but it again given wrong product instances in LMDB which are of older ERP EHP releases like EHP2, EHP3 instead of correct EHP5 ones.
I also tried to sycn data from SMSY to LMDB, but could not possible.
Then I have manually Deleted the old product instances which were not valid and added the valid instances along with the correct software components under them.
But still these warnings are coming which I raised in my initail message. I don't know from where its picking the below entries, eventhough I have unselected from SMSY where it was checked in box earlier.
13:17:40 Evaluate failed for product Instance Process Integration (PI/XI) (SAP EHP2 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0)
13:17:40 Evaluate failed for product Instance BI Content Extension (SAP EHP2 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0)
13:17:39 Evaluate failed for product Instance Business System 6.20 PI/XI (SAP EHP2 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0)
13:17:39 Evaluate failed for product Instance Mobile Infrastructure (MI) (SAP EHP2 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0)
13:17:35 Evaluate failed for product Instance Business Intelligence (SAP EHP2 FOR SAP NETWEAVER 7.0)
These above componets are throughing error when in OS/DB selection phase of MOPZ.
Its definatly some issue in the LMDB or SMSY side, which is causing this.
My solman release is 7.1 SP4.