Here's the use case.
We have a requirement that consist on Adding an Image Field into the Corporate and Private Account Screens (Customer B.O located in BusinessPartner).
I've made the following.
Create a custom B.O that maintains the Images for every Customer, so you will have a screen(QA) like this:
Account ID: ___________ (It's an OVS)
Account Image: ___________(It's configured as an Attachment Folder, Dependency Object)
I set that data and save it for each customer.
Now I needed to have that Image into the Existing Private and Corporate Account Screen, I made an Embedded Component with the same data that the QA, an Account ID, and An Image.
The thing is that I can actually pass the Account ID, through the Existing ByD UI, but I can't load the Dependency Object the same way.
Now why I want to consume a Web service through Silverlight?
As I told you I can pass the Account ID, even to an Custom Pane created in Silverlight, so the idea was to consume that Web Services, Pass the ID and Make a "Read" for that ID, so I will be able to bring the Image file binary and assign it to a Silverlight Image Component.
That's the entire Use case.
Thanks for your time Satharianarayanan. (Your name is pretty long , does it matter if I call you by "Sath"?)
Melvin Hidalgo