I have now using SAP BO 4.0 and Crystal Report Enterprise. I built a crystal report with alerts configured and would like to deliver the report with publication. But I find that the alert notification is not sending when the alert criteria is match during the publication. Below are the case I would like to implement,
- the crystal report contains BO user names, when the BO user name match the login user name, the alert will be triggered
- publication is used to deliver the report to specify group of user with login user name as parameter
- once the login user name match, alert notification will be sent to corresponding user
Would there be any advice on publication of crystal report alerts? or will there be other method other than publication to implement the case?
** I have try control the publication when the alert. Once the criteria match, the report will be send the user by inbox. But with this design, it will be hard to manage the report instance.