Hi Vishwanath,
If an employee is leaver and joined back again the same company with all your scenarios listed above is 1 day, 3 days, 13 days GAP,
FPS report will be handled as follows:
1st scenario: if an employee leaves the company with 1 Day GAP, 3 Days GAP, 13 Days GAP all the 3 will fall in the same pay period (Point to be noted)
P45 leaver will be issued
when re-hired in IT 0065 - you needs to enter the Tax paid and total earnings from previous employer, then the taxable pay will get adjusted in the FPS report.
2nd Scenario: if an employee rejoins the company with a 1 - 2 months gap, again the same process. But this time the Taxable pay captuered will be in 2 different technical wagetypes. with this scenario, we are having few issues in the FPS report, currently we are facing the same. SAP is planning to release few notes, once released i will update you.
Shobha Singajogi